On Wed, 4 Sep 2002, Q u a s i wrote:
There are a *lot* of people out there who dont want to be
awake at 2am trying to get something to work. They just want to click, get a presentation done for tomorrow in 20 minutes and go to
powerpoint takes significantly more than 20 minutes to build a presentation. more than a few hours actually. even then the presentation isn't visible on an OHP because the person who built the presentation doesn't understand the difference between a CRT and a projector.
bed. I personally do all my programming in Linux (where lives emacs :). But I still trip on winamp+tripex3 and surf the net with IE. (X-windows suxx majorly.)
well, I use linux because it works better than anything else I've used, and it looks better than anything else I've used. Yes, I use X a lot when I'm at work, and it's painful to have to use a windows machine after sitting at my system. The widgets look ugly, the colours are terrible, the sharp edges I don't like, and the nasty double-clicking is too much for me. I use Gnome as my DM and Mozilla as my browser.
I can watch movies full screen, and if only I could get a pair of speakers in here, I could hear them too (my sound system is configured correctly).
on any M$ products (maybe). But I, at leaset, do not come here because I hate windows.
no, and neither should anyone else.
I feel very queasy when people want to jump on the Linux bandwagon
saying it is the coolest. It is indeed cool, but what is most important is that it has the potential to be ~170 deg K.
hmmm... cool enough to get frostbite. ofcourse, if that's too cool for some people, they could just switch themes, and linux would be hot!