On 19-Jul-2010, at 12:17 AM, Shamit Verma wrote:
scrapo@saswatabanerjee.com wrote:
Using page up and page down buttons instead of arrow buttons is more
sensible. I dont see why anyone will not want to use OO for this. In fact, the transition methodology on OO makes a lot of sense (I use only OO since i use a mac and dont intend to buy MS Office on mac).
- For slide show, both page up / down and arrow keys work
- for Normal mode, arrow keys is to navigate within a slide (from one row
to another and for horizontal movement) while page up and down is specifically for moving to the next slide. This way, you dont accidentally move to the next slide when all you meant to do was to go to the next line to change something.
It should be straightforward. On down arrow; If user is on last position in current slide, move to next slide, else move to next line. Similar for up arrow.
I dont think its a serious enough matter. If you know you have to use Page up / Down, so be it. What real difference does it make ?