Hi Tanmay,
my name is sachin and i have problem to be solved i am using linux rh and i got BeOS5 personal editon which has 1. readme [1 k] 2. lisence [some k] 3. floppy.img[1.4 M] 4. image.be [~500M] now problem is that it does not boot from floopy as
i have it image.be from /src/beos where /src is on /dev/hdb3 and it is ext2 fs and it got 800 MB of space without image.be
Now i want to boot into BeOS from lilo is there any way out for that?
i read the artical for BeOS with lilo it says u require zbeos which i donot have [as u can see there is no file provided in that tar.gz which i listed above]
can u provide me a link to the "zbeos" file for download