On Wednesday 11 October 2006 17:21, Nagarjuna G. wrote:
So, my thesis is, dispensing GNU will also take away your freedom.
IMO it was the fsf and it's core members who understood the dangers of sidelining the core political nessage and worked resolutely towards that goal. Inspite of naive arguments to the contrary by tech luminairs who while riding piggy back on the GNU system and enjoying the fresh air completely fail to see the whale they are riding on and the shark infested waters. While it does feel wondeful to think that linux is technically so superior that it would have won anyway, the hard reality is that it is continuosly being fenced in - right now. Linus's no v3 argument is a case in point. While there does exist several corner cases with v3 that are not to everyone's liking -as is the case with v2 also - by and large it is in the right direction. It is these OTHER important things - not technical but political - for which a GNU/Linux distro should be labeled as such. The technical semantics of chicken, egg, dna and other fanciful things can resolve themselves at everbody's leasure. The political battle cannot.
So for me it's GNU/Linux - chicken, egg, dna, curry, rice etc. will happen whenever.