Hi everybody
My problemo is i got 2 hardisk one is 6.4 gb quantum, with windows installed and the other is 4gb installed with red hat 7.1, so when i ned to go back to linux i have to shutdown the system and then change the wires is it possible thati can make it work , like the switch screen which comes when one normally install it on the same hard disk. please help Ankur
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Sometime on Jul 27, sachin g assembled some asciibets to say:
My problemo is i got 2 hardisk one is 6.4 gb quantum, with windows installed and the other is 4gb installed with red hat 7.1, so when i ned to go back to linux i have to shutdown the system and then change the wires is it possible thati can make it work , like the
Lilo can do it for you. Put the appropriate drive settings in lilo.conf. It doesn't matter which harddisk is first and which is second. Windows may require to be on the primary hard disk.
In lilo.conf, just make sure that your lilo is written to the mbr of the primary master. The partition for windows will be hda1, and for linux will be hdb1 or hdc1 depending on whether it is primary slave or secondary master.
On Saturday 28 July 2001 00:13, you wrote:
Hi everybody
My problemo is i got 2 hardisk one is 6.4 gb quantum, with windows installed and the other is 4gb installed with red hat 7.1, so when i ned to go back to linux i have to shutdown the system and then change the wires is it possible thati can make it work , like the switch screen which comes when one normally install it on the same hard disk. please help Ankur
I presume you are talking of dual booting, since you can't change "wires" on the fly. Boot into linux and copy your kernel (vmlinuz) onto your windoze drive. Install the hd with linux as a primary slave /secondary master/slave (presuming that your windoze drive is primary master). Boot upto the dos prompt only. Copy loadlin from your RH installer onto your windoze drive and run loadlin vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb Note: hdb=primary slave, hdc=secondary master, hdd=secondary slave. Edit /etc/lilo.conf (attached is my lilo.conf) run /sbin/lilo -v Get explore2fs and install. Very useful. WARNING: do not write to your ext2 partition with this prog you are likely to come to grief.
On Sat, 28 Jul 2001, jtdyahoo wrote:
On Saturday 28 July 2001 00:13, you wrote:
My problemo is i got 2 hardisk one is 6.4 gb quantum, with windows installed and the other is 4gb installed with red hat 7.1, so when i ned to go back to linux i have to shutdown the system and then change the wires is it possible thati can make it work , like the switch screen which comes when one normally install it on the same hard disk. please help Ankur
Boot into linux and copy your kernel (vmlinuz) onto your windoze drive. Install the hd with linux as a primary slave /secondary master/slave (presuming that your windoze drive is primary master). Boot upto the dos prompt only. Copy loadlin from your RH installer onto your windoze drive and run loadlin vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb Note: hdb=primary slave, hdc=secondary master, hdd=secondary slave. Edit /etc/lilo.conf (attached is my lilo.conf) run /sbin/lilo -v
what is the relation between lilo and loadlin except that both are linux loader.
regards - ------------ Pankaj, NCST - ------------