I'm using Fedora Core 1.
I would like to mount a windows shared folder at fstab and allowing normal user to have read-write permissions.
I have tried // /mnt/my_network_share/linux smbfs username=myusername,password=mypassword, default 0 0
// /mnt/my_network_share/linux smbfs username=myusername,password=mypassword,rw,uid=root,gid=root 0 0
Both of them will mount the drive, but normal users won't be able to write? How to i make it with write permission? What am i missing?
--- Komal agencies_ad1@sancharnet.in wrote:
The permissions of your mount point (/mnt/my_network) should allow write access to the concerned user(s).
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On 5/30/05, Nadiem knadz555@yahoo.com wrote:
To mount manually using CLI
# mount -t smbfs -o umask=000,username=xxx,password=yyy /server/share /mnt/mountpoint
In fstab
// /mnt/my_network_share/linux smbfs username=myusername,password=mypassword, umask=000,default 0 0
Hi Nadiem,
No. My question is after mounting remote share on Linux box only root has read and write access and normal user can only read the content .How to provide normal user read and write access. Should I create group name project and add the users to project, set user’s primary group to project and chgrp of /mn/share to project where I will mount window's share?
--- Komal agencies_ad1@sancharnet.in wrote:
Modify your options in fstab as follows:
// /mnt/my_network_share/linux smbfs username=myusername,password=mypassword,dmask=707,fmask=707,defaults 0 0
This will serve your purpose, but you could still modify 707 to increase security. You could create a group "project" and modify the 707 above to 774 for example.
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