I had to install GCC C compiler in Kubuntu 6.06, and found that it isn't installed with the default setup. I found out that GCC 4.0 base system (whatever that is) is installed.
I used Adept to install GCC C compiler, assuming it would setup everything that I need to run C programs. You can run the command (sudo apt-get install gcc-4.0) to install GNU C compiler.
Assuming that the installation of the compiler is with all the essential parts to run C programs, I wrote the traditional "HelloWorld" program and compiled it, also passing a parameter to generate a specific output file. The result: "Error: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory"
Logged on to the #gcc channel on IRC and I was told to install libc6-dev. (sudo apt-get install libc6-dev) Now, this is just the C libraries. There are few other packages that would have to be installed for additional support of programming languages.
What next? Compiled and Executed the HelloWorld Program.
Hope this experience helps, newbies like me. :)
For C++, I guess one needs libstdc++6-4.0-dev.
For those with loads of data transfer capabilites (no caps) can use the following command sudo apt-get install build-essentail.
Comments on this post are welcome.
-- FSF of India Associate Fellow - S K Somaiya College of ASC- ubunturos @ freenode
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On Mon, 2007-05-21 at 16:07 +0100, Roshan wrote:
Comments on this post are welcome.
Ubuntus not aimed at devs so the inherent deficiency. Why not try out Fedora instead? Its a great package.
Dont mean to displease any Ubuntu users. AFAIK, Ubuntu doesnt come with dev packages. As Roshan experienced, one must download them from the right repos which isn't the case with Debian, Fedora, Slackware, Mandriva or the likes.
On Mon, 21 May 2007 22:40:12 +0530, Dinesh Joshi said:
On Mon, 2007-05-21 at 16:07 +0100, Roshan wrote:
Comments on this post are welcome.
Ubuntus not aimed at devs so the inherent deficiency.
This is not true. The default install might not install gcc, but the packages are one aptitude install away.
Why not try out Fedora instead? Its a great package.
You would find more people inclined to follow your suggestions if you did not attack other free software in order to promote your favourites.
Dont mean to displease any Ubuntu users.
Then do not spread lies. At least to the bare minimum of research before spreading FUD; you might retain some respect from people that way.
AFAIK, Ubuntu doesnt come with dev packages.
It comes with mostly the same dev packages, as far as C/C++ are concerned, that Debian does.
Debian standard also does not come with gcc either. It is, again, an optional package.
If you are trying to promote some free software (fedora, in your case), try not to attack other free software. If you do attack other free software, at least try to be correct.
--- Manoj Srivastava wrote:
I don't think he's trying to attack "other" Free Software. I guess he has been a avid Fedora / Redhat user and has managed to do quite a lot in it. I began with RH9 and never cared to upgrade because, I thought it would mess up the existing windows setup :(
I guess, this is the case with most distros that one has to get it from the repos or do a sort-of custom install (selecting packages). For RH9, I had to pop in the CDs (2 / 3) to install GCC (and a bunch of other compilers for languages I hadn't heard about).
-- FSF of India Associate Fellow - S K Somaiya College of ASC- ubunturos @ freenode
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On Mon, 2007-05-21 at 17:38 -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
On Mon, 21 May 2007 22:40:12 +0530, Dinesh Joshi said:
Stop spamming me! Why are you spamming??? :O
Do you really think I'm justified in saying that you're spamming me? No. I'm not. Same way, I wasn't attacking your favorite distro. I was as polite as possible. Take your accusation a notch down alright? We live in a civilized society and I'm not interested in having flame wars here.
Attack? Sheesh...firstly, to disillusion you Ubuntu is full of non-free software / proprietary software. I wasn't promoting anything. I suggested Fedora as it comes with all possible software that you need. Debian goes one step further. It has an amazing collection of softwares in its DVD.
Maybe you have large portions of bandwidth to download all possible packages. But I, like the OP, have limited share of bandwidth so its not always possible for us to install softwares from online repos. Fedora / Debian / Mandriva come with CDs / DVDs which have all the softwares so one doesn't need to download from the internet. Its quicker and easier.
Did I say Ubuntu DOESNT HAVE dev packages? IIRC, its not included on the CD.
Dev packages go beyond just C/C++ compilers.
Next time look up the definition of words that you dont understand.
We're all working towards a common goal over here. We're all for FOSS. Why the heck do we need to divide ourselves on the basis of distros?
On Tue, 22 May 2007 19:33:17 +0530, Dinesh Joshi said:
Stop spamming me! Why are you spamming??? :O
Do you really think I'm justified in saying that you're spamming me? No. I'm not. Same way, I wasn't attacking your favorite distro.
Ubuntu is not my favourite distro. I have never, to my knowledge, actually used it; but the inaccuracies in your statements were glaring enough that I felt I must comment.
Then try and not spread lies about what Ubuntu does and does not come with.
Attack? Sheesh...firstly, to disillusion you Ubuntu is full of non-free software / proprietary software.
Full of? Are you not descending into hyperbole here? Ubuntu main is free software; ubuntu restricted does contain non-free drivers and some fonts, but, in general, the distribution is seen as free software.
And thus into Ubuntu Universe.
While this is true, this is irrelevant to the original question: Ubuntu main comes with the development packages that the OP was asking for.
Nice red herring, though.
Did I say Ubuntu DOESNT HAVE dev packages? IIRC, its not included on the CD.
Wrong again. A simple google search shows, on the very first page:
Look down the page. Ubuntu comes with a decent tool chain, though for alternates and older versions of compilers etc you do have to go to the universe.
Debian standard also does not come with gcc either. It is, again, an optional package.
Dev packages go beyond just C/C++ compilers.
And what relevance does this have to the issue at hand? Look at the package list. There are a number of -deve packages that are in Ubuntu main.
Enough with the FUD, man.
Next time look up the definition of words that you dont understand.
Heh. This is funny.
We're all working towards a common goal over here. We're all for FOSS. Why the heck do we need to divide ourselves on the basis of distros?
So don't go about spreading FUD about what Ubuntu does not do (geared only towards n00bs, forsooth). With friends like you, who needs enemies?
Manoj Srivastava wrote:
My dear, there are no inaccuracies in Dinesh's OP. You have got mixed up between distro and distro-media. What DJ wants to say is that Ubuntu ( or Kubuntu) comes with few development packages in the *CD* whereas Fedora, Mandriva and Debian come with development packages in the cds/dvds. This is because, as Anurag pointed out, KUbuntu comes packaged in one CD so there is less space available whereas Fedora, Mandriva and Debian come in multiple CDs or DVDs. Otherwise, all packages can be downloaded from the net for all major distros.
On 5/21/07, Roshan wrote:
It's generally a good idea for the first time to fire up aptitude (or synaptic/kpackage) and install pre-configured tasks rather than apt-get'ting each thing. And you can streamline with the tasks as well so that unneeded packages don't get installed. Of course, I'm talking from Debian experience and not Kubuntu, but I assume it'll be the same since Debian is pretty much [KX]?ubuntu's daddy.
--- Siddhesh Poyarekar wrote:
True. I'm sure, if apt-get can be used on *buntu, one can do similar tasks on *buntu with experience of Debian.
However, I also think, I may have missed a step installing custom packages from the CD (if there is one), probably accepting the default packages.
-- FSF of India Associate Fellow - S K Somaiya College of ASC- ubunturos @ freenode
Office firewalls, cyber cafes, college labs, don't allow you to download CHAT? Click here:
On 5/24/07, Roshan wrote:
Probably, and it's not too difficult to miss out on something when you're doing a custom install ;)
Here's one technique I started using lately for custom (and really streamlined when I'm in that mood) installs; install the base system and then use aptitude for the tasks. No, don't install everything under the task. Select a task and then deselect stuff under it that you don't need. That way you will never miss out on some packages that you may need. Common example is installing gcc but forgetting to install autoconf/automake.