using crontab -e i have created the crontab file and gave the specified time and commands. Then when i start crond its says cant' lock pid.... Other wise can anyone tell me how to put shell script in crontab.
Thanks Shishu
On Sunday 25 November 2007 14:29, shishu naik wrote:
after u have changed your crontab (hopefully u used vi to prevent mangeling the file), you run /etc/init.d/cron restart. I have yet to come across a distro where cron is not running. hence running cron a 2nd time will fail as the lock file will have been created by the already running cron daemon. This goes for most daemons except where the daemons allow themselves to run multiple instances with neccessary precautions to not trip each other.
BTW NAG is a must read if you plan to do any sort of admin work. People's patience wear out rather quickly if you dont do your homework.