Hi ,
It just occurred to me that I am silent member of this group since years .Years back I was just a small guy running a business in India . Now that life has changed a lot .I thought I will revisit you guys and see what I can be of use to others here .
I have a Chinese and a Hong kong company. We are based in Shenzhen ( the nerve center of electronics manufacturing ), China .
The interesting part is we are an unique Chinese company( with Indian origins) which has license to import export from China and also we have local software consultancy and solutions providing license for Doing business in China.
China is the hot bed for consumer electronics. I am sure lot of my Indian brothers are now working on ARM technologies and various interesting projects in embedded technology and I am sure things are a lot harder in India because the hardware is not so freely available . In contrast in China all components and hardware required can be sourced very fast .
So I would like to supply any hardware you may require even in small numbers .Since we have regular shipments to India for our existing business we can deliver the goods in Mumbai for you too .
If there are people who are interested in developing China market for any of their products they may write to me also .
Also if any of you guys want to come to Shenzhen,China and explore the mind blowing massive markets here feel free to ask for help .
Please email me on mail@nikhilbhaskaran.com or laptopsmumbai@gmail.com
I dont check the lug emails so much
Take care all
Regards Nikhil Bhaskaran
On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 11:23 PM, lug@the6mgroup.com wrote:
Thanks a lot for info !! Will contact you offline.