Hi, I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and I have installed dnsmasq to resolve local domain say www.example.com. In dnsmasq I have configured these settings.
address=/example.com/ listen-address=
The dnsserver is my laptop on which I have my xampp too. On my laptop I have given as default DNS and it works fine. when I type www.example.com on Browser.
On my desktop I'm running Windows which is having IP. But the desktop is not resolving www.example.com I have changed default DNS to and these two machine are connected via mtnl router and also I'm able to ping vise versa.
2011/4/16 Mukesh Yadav mak.gnu@gmail.com:
On my desktop I'm running Windows which is having IP. But the desktop is not resolving www.example.com
The swiss army knife for troubleshooting DNS problems is dig(1), which is not available on Windows. Few things you can try (assuming you have ruled out all lower layer problems):
1. See if you can resolve DNS from a Linux live CD.
2. See if you can run nslookup successfully on Windows; pastebin its output. Start with:
nslookup -q=soa .
(Don't miss the period at the end of the above command)
On Saturday 16 April 2011 03:32 PM, Mukesh Yadav wrote:
Have you modified the LAN IPs of your PCs and MTNL router to be on the network? If your LAN and dns machine is on LAN then should be your listening address.