This is about vsnl's new smtp authentication settings. As usual, they have only given instructions for outlook, outlook express and eudora and netscape. The chap on the helpdesk phone had no clue whatsoever as to what to do with linux or even what sort of authentication they were using.
Of course, the 22nd November deadline is way past and I can still get my emails thru the vsnl smtp server without any changes in my config. If this mail gets thru, that should be proof enough. I am using FC2 w/ postfix (and fetchmail w/ mutt).
So how do I go about ascertaining what changes I need to make in my config ?
On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 09:53:18 +0530, Dr. Sharukh K. R. Pavri. spavri@vsnl.com wrote:
If you use a linux box, one easy way to get away from client specific configuration is to use fetchmail and postfix relay.
fetchmail and postfix both understand smtp-auth and it is relatively painless to configure it as a local mail receiver and a sender. (fetchmail checks your pop and postfix relays the local mailq to the vnsl mail server with authorization)
So just let it run on your PC - possibly part of programs you run after the dial up has been established - and then let it check your mail. Postfix has a special delayed delivery configuration. On broadband it would be transparent.
you can then just use thunderbird, mozilla, pine, usermin etc to send/receive mail.
On 27/11/04 09:53 +0530, Dr. Sharukh K. R. Pavri. wrote:
http://www.postfix.org/SASL_README.html Check if your Postfix is already compiled with SASL support. ldd /usr/libexec/postfix/smtpd|grep sasl.
If that shows you a relevant library, then just follow the instructions on using Postfix as a AUTH client. If not, rebuild Postfix with SASL support and then setup AUTH support.
Just back from a break.
Devdas Bhagat