I would like to start off by saying that I only started exploring Linux recently. Well, I would like to promote a not-so-popular distro- elementary OS. It's based off Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Instead of me personally telling you why it could be the next big thing, why not read it some reviews?
Reviews: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/looking-for-a-beautiful-easy-to-use-linux-distr... http://www.macworld.com/article/2048021/if-i-had-to-leave-the-mac-id-switch-... http://www.webupd8.org/2013/08/quick-elementary-os-02-luna-stable.html
Official site: http://www.elementaryos.org
Do give it a try and let me know what you think!
On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 2:00 AM, Niket Raja niketraja@gmail.com wrote:
Well, to start off to dispel your ignorance, Ubuntu is not elementary.
If you want elementary, look at LFS (Linux from scratch).
And don't try to pontificate and insult the intelligence of the erudite and experienced existing users of this list.
On Oct 1, 2013 8:58 AM, "Rajagopal Swaminathan" raju.rajsand@gmail.com wrote:
You're the one being ignorant here. Elementary is the name of the distro. My bad for not capitalizing the E but you would've known this had you actually read the whole thing and visited the official site first. Stop bashing newbies and start reading properly.
On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 11:04 AM, Niket niketraja@gmail.com wrote:
You're the one being ignorant here.
Nice comment. Thank you for illuminating
My bad for not capitalizing the E
So you were at fault in the beginning. You better be sorry.
Stop bashing newbies and start reading properly.
Please take time to properly state and type what you want to say.
Have a nice day.
On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Rajagopal Swaminathan raju.rajsand@gmail.com wrote:
Just returning the favour.
My bad for not capitalizing the E
So you were at fault in the beginning. You better be sorry.
I wasn't. You're at the fault for not reading the email properly. I am not at all sorry.
Stop bashing newbies and start reading properly.
Please take time to properly state and type what you want to say.
Not my fault if you can't understand a simple sentence written in proper English.
Take your elitist attitude somewhere else.
Pls stop doing unnecessary blame wars, and help/support new comers, who is getting in to Linux and Opensource.
Thanks for introducing new Linux distro (at-least it was new for me) "Elementary Operating System" and welcome to world of Linux/FOSS.
About Elementry OS-
It's an Opensource (under GPL) Ubuntu based Operating system, with a beautiful user interface (much better than unity !).
And from developer point of view, Elementry OS is having well maintained API's and documents for application development and UI enhancement.
Visit : http://elementaryos.org/developer
On Oct 1, 2013 12:54 PM, "Siji Sunny" sijisunny@gmail.com wrote:
Three cheers for some common sense in this thread at last. I shudder to think that skills of reading comprehension and ability to identify proper context within written matter( it was written as " - elementary OS", not "an elementary OS", so without any gramatical implication that "elementary" was used as an adjective.) have reached such a low.
Seconded. Always nice to have others keep you informed, esp when you may not be tracking this kind of news. It might not be relevant to me as a fedora user, but someday, when someone talks to me about or asks for assistance on Elementary OS(note context :-P), I will know what it is.....
Regards R. K. Rajeev
On 1 October 2013 08:56, Rajagopal Swaminathan raju.rajsand@gmail.comwrote:
Well, to start off to dispel your ignorance, Ubuntu is not elementary.
Heh. In my dictionary:
elementary (adj): easily dealt with; straightforward and uncomplicated
Which I think pretty much describes Ubuntu to the 't'. :-)
On 1 Oct 2013 02:02, "Niket Raja" niketraja@gmail.com wrote:
I've been considering putting either Bodhi Linux or Elementary OS on my usually-Ubuntu pen drive. I think I'll try Bodhi first and then move to Elementary, as they've used Ubuntu LTS as base.
On 1 October 2013 02:00, Niket Raja niketraja@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks for highlighting this lovely looking distro. The website is very beautifully done & the introductory video is really slick & polished!