i've done a fresh install of RedHat GNU/linux 7.3 (gcc-2.96-110, gcc-c++-2.96-110) on my m/c. i then installed the rar utility. but when i try to run it, it gives the following error: "error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" i then did a "locate libstdc++.so", only to find libstdc++.so.2* in the /usr/lib directory. then i installed "wine" from the source code, that i'd obtained from a linuxforu cd. when i tried to run a windoze .exe file using it, it gave me the foll error: "error while loading shared libraries: libntdll.dll.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
i'd installed gcc-3.2.1 previously (i did a fresh install to get rid of it, since there wasn't a "make uninstall" option available with the source code. i'd then installed blacksun java (j2sdk1.4.1). but when i tried to write a java program, and compile it using "javac", i got the error: "error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory")
is there some specific way in which i need to install gcc again, or do i have to make some changes to my path? if i search for libstdc++.so.5 on the Internet, then do i copy it to /usr/lib, or somewhere else? what changes do i make to system variables?
thanks for all the help.
i think some of your symlinks may be broken. thats y it cant find the files.
i am using redhat 7.1 and i have attached the output on my system when i try and search for the libstc libs.
i think it could work if you add the symlinks. On Sunday 10 August 2003 02:44 pm, Pradnyesh Sawant wrote: