On 5/26/07, Mrugesh wrote:
Heh. So why the whole agenda against non-free? Why doesn't the GPL allow non-free useage?
Because its GPL. Please ask FSF for more details. I know you hate GPL for some unknown reason(s).
Huh? I follow DFSG (Debian Free Software Guideline). I think you need to learn more about what is Freedom before jumping into this quicksand.
Novell is Evil in different case.
Trolls and Flames are required.
On Saturday 26 May 2007 17:50:30 Kartik Mistry wrote:
Huh? Do I? I didn't know :s
Yeah. I'm not against Debian. I'm just against people.
In Ubuntu there is a package that lists non-free software. Which one is that? I recollect last time I had used it, there was no non-free software in my pc except Opera.
On 26-May-07, at 5:50 PM, Kartik Mistry wrote:
be clear, he doesnt hate GPL, and I dont either. But we both hate the hypocracy of certain people who claim to be supporters of GPL. GPL has it's place and role - and a pre-eminent place and role - but there are other licenses, other philosophies that also have a place and role.