we have finalised arrangements to host the NRC-FOSS node in mumbai at VJTI. VJTI is giving us a lab with 30 machines and space for holding meetings, seminars, classes etc as well as an office. The node will be coordinated by Professor Jitendra Shah from the VJTI end and Mrugesh Karnik from the community end. Mrugesh is currently working along with Pradeepto, Vihan and Anurag on this. We are sure that many more community people will come forward to support this. The facilities will be available for any foss activity including lug, fsug meetings, seminars, course etc etc. The node will also help coordinate spreading of FOSS in colleges and schools in the state as well as help NRC-FOSS in it's task of getting FOSS into the curriculum of engineering colleges in the state. An important part of the activity will be to encourage and foster the development of FOSS code in the area. You may contact the node at nrcfoss.mumbai@au- kbc.org. Physical location and contact details will be given as and when they are set up.