On 29/05/05 17:58 +0530, Amol Hatwâr wrote:
Oracle to mysql seems good. MySQL seems to be developing more n more day by day.
Great going mysql !!
It's good to have features and all. But don't you think MySQL is killing it's own competitive edge?
Developers chose MySQL over others because it was lightweight; it was in version 3.xx like a swiss-army knife. It is on it's way to becoming elephantware.
And I always thought it was because it was installed on webhosts and because PHP supported MySQL better than other databases.
Lets see: relational integrity, stored procedures, triggers, acid compliance are just necessary features. Missing in MySQL 3.x.
Does MySQL handle 30th February correctly?
Devdas Bhagat
Hi Devdas,
On Sun, 2005-05-29 at 22:53, Devdas Bhagat wrote:
Does MySQL handle 30th February correctly?
30th Feb? When it's going to be? Really nice day to get married. :-)
Devdas Bhagat
With regards,
And I always thought it was because it was installed on webhosts and because PHP supported MySQL better than other databases.
It's cause and effect. PHP supported mSQL and MySQL because they were lightweight. mSQL disappeared from the scene (Hughes takeover I guess). No wonder PHP5 comes with SQLite.
Lets see: relational integrity, stored procedures, triggers, acid compliance are just necessary features. Missing in MySQL 3.x