I am having a problem and want to know How to Compile a kernal in RedHat AS4. Plz help me out ASAP.
Thanks & Regards
Zoheb Ansari
On 5/23/07, zoheb ashraf smartzoh@gmail.com wrote:
Google takes me to http://voidmain.is-a-geek.net/redhat/fedora_3_kernel_build.html
google gives lots of results for 'compile a kernel + RHEL'
Or do you want something specific? I've never actually compiled a kernel on a Red Hat based system but have done so quite a few times on other distros It hasn't been too tough for me if I don't mess around much with options I am not sure of.
zoheb ashraf wrote:
Read this twice before venturing out.. especially the part under "I need to build a custom kernel"