Hi There,
- Why do you think Linux is important to India?
consider WRT the following points - 1> as a learning tool - Linux conforms to the Open source code... Since source code is public, and we can hack a system - do some re-engineering on the product without crossing legal borders - it is an excellent tool for students to learn the various aspects of an OS and its' working. 2> Very good OS for Indian desktops. Linux can run from a 386 and above...It is not a resource hogger... Hence, it is ideal in cases where ppl operate very old M/C to cut down costs and at the same time need some stability. (My college itself ;) ) Q's 2 and 3 have been answered by Satya an Trevor...
- Has the Indian government showing a keen interest
in Linux ? Can you mention some names and examples?
It (Govt.) does some work - one cannot say they are ignoring it - NCST works on Linux, IISc does simputer work etc. But there is no fixed direction or Direct involvement of the Govt. Everything gets lost in redtape - basically because; barring a few groups - Rest of the Govt. agencies remain oblivious to the benifits of good S/W, so Linux is still a very distant target.
- Do you know of any companies in India who have
developed applications for the Linux platform?
I dont know names - but I have seen ppl aorking on Linux products with Made in India label....
- What do you think should be done to promote the
growth of Linux in India?
[snip] introduce the concept of GNU philosophy and the Open Source concept in schools havin the young generation get hands on Linux ASAP and as early in life as possible.
Precisely... wot is to be done is to make ppl understand that a Computer System or a OS is not intended to be a glorified resource hogger - It has to be economical(free), scalable(386-supercomp??), Stable, crossplatform, economical learning curve... And Linux satisfies these needs... Bye, SP