As announced sometime back, SELF conference would be held on 2nd Feb 2007 at Homi Bhabha Auditorium, TIFR, Colaba. We would also have the Feb GNU/Linux Users Group meeting there.
Please register for conference here: http://self.gnowledge.org/
On 24-Jan-07, at 11:59 AM, Vihan Pandey wrote:
200 bucks is going to bankrupt someone?
On 1/24/07, Vihan Pandey vihanpandey@gmail.com wrote:
As a convener of the conference, I can assure you that the list members will enjoy the full day. We do have very eminent speakers, the schedule is now updated with some more details: http://zope.hbcse.tifr.res.in:9673/SELF/conf_schedule.. TIFR and HBCSE are already spending lots of resources, and we also got support from sponsors. That is the only reason why the amount is only Rs. 200/-. And every registered participant will also get a DVD with lots of freeknowledge and a snapshot of the gnowledge.org portal. This event is already heavily subsidized. I have no issues to waive registration fee completely for the members of this list, if some sponser comes forward to compensate this. If there is any possibility I will try my best. This is an event of HBCSE, which supported and sponsored several meetings of GLUG, and this list since its inception, and will continue to do so in future.
Meanwhile, please do come for this event in large numbers, Each one bring one, and make this movement a success. Also ask your friends in Puna and Nashik and nearby places also to join.
On 1/24/07, Nagarjuna G. nagarjun@gnowledge.org wrote:
We now have a sponsors to support all student registrations. Registration fee is now waived for all students. please bring identity cards, and also register on line at http://self.gnoweldge.org/.
hello all. I really liked the idea of getting some sponser for the conference who can fund all the glug members. but glug does not provide any identification and that is the problem. I don't know how to find out whether I am really a glug member? any one who likes gnu/linux and foss can just come over and say "I am a glug member". so I think it is a good idea but not very viable. regards. Krishnakant.
On 1/30/07, krishnakant Mane researchbase@gmail.com wrote:
I really liked the idea of getting some sponser for the conference who can fund all the glug members.
Funding is not for GLUG members. It is for students.
From http://zope.hbcse.tifr.res.in:9673/SELF/registration_form:
* 2.* Participant's Name (Block Letters):
*Block Letters? WTF? * *Nandz.* *-- http://nandz.blogspot.com http://foodieforlife.blogspot.com
Vihan Pandey wrote:
The 200 bucks is for free DVD, tea, snacks and lunch.
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On 1/23/07, Vihan Pandey vihanpandey@gmail.com wrote:
linux is about freedom not freebeer. this is not some commercial event where you will pay 200 and listen to product ads ... believe me you will get some real good gyan.
wudnt you pay to listen to a concert ? to watch a movie ? and think of it how much would you pay for a 2-3hrs concert and how much wud you take home from it ?
WRONG. GNU/Linux is about Freedom.
this is not some commercial event where
Oh... thank you soooo much for letting me know that.
wudnt you pay to listen to a concert ? to watch a movie ? and think of it
how much would you pay for a 2-3hrs concert and how much wud you take home from it ?
Oh... i NEVER thought of that.
Anyway sarcasm aside and without too much ego into the matter :
READ before you respond.
If you believe that i lack even a basic understanding of freedom is PLEASE refer to the list archives. Also i REPEAT as you have NOT understood my original mail AT ALL :
<quote> it would be great if all the GLUG/ILUG BOM members can get gratis entry :-)
i mearly suggested it as a gesture of good will for all of us on the list. </quote>
If you do not know what the words ``gesture of good will" mean PLEASE get a dictionary and a book on English grammer.
- vihan
I dont care about the gyan i will get for my 200 bucks. What i do care about is not to pay 200 bucks to attend my glug-bom meet. It just dosnt seem right to me. I dont mind paying the money to attend the conf though.
please stop this issue. finally what is the point in the argument. I think such conferences and hearing to great people like rms is invaluable. so there is absolutely no point in raising such issues. and as Vihan rightly pointed it out, it is just the matter of co insidence and convinience that we have the lug meet at the same venue. by the way what is the time slot for the meet? regards. Krishnakant.
Sometime on Thursday 01 February 2007 19:07, gaurav chaturvedi said:
Please save the 200 Rs for the time being, when the ilug-bom domains come for renewal, do donate generously towards domain renewal fees.
i'm in. i'll pass on my share to you when we meet next. Anyway, if we require some cash for the domain renewal(or even other list activity), it would be a good idea to hold a small fund raiser on the list. Just put up a page(saying : target is XYZ and colleted so far : ABC) and keep getting commitments from people for the same.
- vihan
Vihan Pandey wrote:
What's required is the name on the cheque and address to post it. ;)
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On 2/2/07, Anurag anurag@gnuer.org wrote:
Please save the 200 Rs for the time being, when the ilug-bom domains come for renewal, do donate generously towards domain renewal fees.
How much do the domains cost?
Anurag wrote:
Bhavin (the CEO of Directi) is a great supporter of Free/Open Source.. let me know when its time for renewal. i'll request him for a huge discount for these and related domains..
FYI, Bhavin also hosts the php india mirrors.. apart from providing some geo-specific services to the php group. See http://www.php.net/thanks.php
- dhawal
On 03-Feb-07, at 11:20 AM, Dinesh Shah wrote:
how much they cost at this point of time is irrelevant. And no point asking how much will they cost when they come up for renewal as no one knows.
There seems to be a potential for the agency hiring out domains to be effectively monopolise a given successful domain. i hire out a domain foo.bar(and pay say 10$ U.S per year for it) it is an instant hit and i make a decent pile of cash from it it every year. My agreement/plan says foo.baris mine for say 2 years, after two years it is well known foo.bar is a cash cow. Therefore what stops agency hiring out domains to say ``O.K, this year it will cost you 10,000$ U.S, if you no pay, we give someone else - comprende".
Dangerous. Its as if the the guys controlling the domain can effectively cyber squat his own customer. Has anyone faced such a situaltion?
- vihan
On 03-Feb-07, at 1:26 PM, Vihan Pandey wrote:
yes, and went through hell un-squatting him. Finally had to pay him off (could have gone to court but the delay would have killed me)
Yikes! NOT a good situation. i think we ought to have a hall of shame and boycott such companies. Even from a purely commercial angle, these people MUST be taught a lesson. i guess let's have a hall of shame on our website as for this. We could also have a meter which people can click on saying : ``Total number of people agreeing to boycott so and so company".
- vihan
On 03-Feb-07, at 2:07 PM, Vihan Pandey wrote:
there is a company called reduff or something. A friend booked a domain name through them. I was supposed to set up the site - so she went to the admin panel and tried to point the domain to my nameservers. The menu option was there, it said 'done', but the domain was not getting pointed. She contacted the co, they said it will take 48 hours to propagate. She kept trying for a week. Nothing happened. Then I tried and found redirection was not working - it had been disabled. She yelled at them, they denied it. I issued a legal notice with copy to dot in registrar and demanded 10,000 INR damages - they sent a courier with a refund immediatly.
there is a company called reduff or something.
will remember that, thanks.
A friend booked a
She kept trying for a week. Nothing
What ``exactly" does the dot in registrar do. Do they mediate domain related cases? In which case what is the actual legal procedure for this kind of stuff?
and demanded 10,000 INR damages
Good Work ! Well Done :-)
- vihan
On 03-Feb-07, at 2:53 PM, Vihan Pandey wrote:
In which case what is the actual legal procedure for this kind of stuff?
ask them
Vihan Pandey wrote:
Are domain prices fixed on the basis of popularity? What about renewing it before it expires? Could this be a way to harass Indians across the seven seas as they will not retaliate? What about Indian agents? Will they do the same if they are located in the same city?
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On 02-Feb-07, at 9:25 PM, Siddhesh Poyarekar wrote:
ask after 4 years - thats when it comes up for renewal (or was it 10 years?)
--- Siddhesh Poyarekar siddhesh.poyarekar@gmail.com wrote: [Partially OT]
How much do the domains cost?
I had once, checked out the cost with Rediff hosting. They specified Rs. 495/- per year for a .com registration. I guess, cost may vary with other hosting service providers. [/Partially OT]
-- FSF-India Fellow Associate http://www.gnu.org.in
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On Saturday 03 Feb 2007 23:14:06 Roshan wrote:
[/Partially OT]
You know, lately, I've lost the sense of what is OT and what isn't OT from reading this list!