Hi, Anyone has freeBSD 4.9 discs? The books available are with 5 and Linuxbazar has only 5.3 and I am specifically looking for 4.9
For me to download will take decades or atleast months. Is there anyone out there with a formula 1 connection or better still has 4.9?
The ISO is available at http://www.linorg.sc.usp.br/iso/FreeBSD/4.9/
gracias abhishek
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From: Abhishek Daga abhishekdaga@yahoo.com
Another victim of the pathetic broadband situation in India :*( I have mere 64Kbps. I could schedule a download for you but my current queue is long. Quite long. Atleast a few GBs :( If you're prepared to wait for 10-15days then I could do it for you.
Regards, Dinesh.
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On 4/27/05, Rony Bill ronbillypop@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
Has anyone done this at the Reliance Web World i.e. download 650MB+ iso images? I know they charge by the hour; do they also levy any premium for high bandwidth usage?
rgds, akk