hi i want to install kde on about 25 hosts on which ubuntu 7.04 is already installed
i use apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to install kde it is a 198 mb download
i dont want to download 198 mb on each host
can i download on one location and use it to install kubuntu on all desktops regards kamal
Sometime on Saturday 12 May 2007 18:32, Kamal Paryani said:
hi i want to install kde on about 25 hosts on which ubuntu 7.04 is already installed
i use apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to install kde it is a 198 mb download
i dont want to download 198 mb on each host
can i download on one location and use it to install kubuntu on all desktops regards
You might want to install the package ``apt-cacher'' (and apache also) available in debian/ubuntu. It installs itself as a cgi script. You can install this on one computer which has internet access, and change all the other computer's `sources.list' so that they fetch their packages from this comp (say, 192.168.0.X).
deb http://192.168.1.X/cgi-bin/apt-cacher.pl/in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy main universe
After once machine finishes its download, apt-cache caches the packages for next machines.