Hi people, I have a two PCs & am planning to setup a home network. Those who have done this thing before, can you please give be pointers to required resources etc ?
Basically the config wud be: the GNU/Linux machine connected to Internet (via cable), running firewall/proxy/ web server etc; and a Windows machine running browser, chat etc apps (connecting through GNU/Linux machine)
I'm looking for info about following :
1. Hardware reqd(cables/ eth cards etc), good brands of diff components, approx costs & reliable vendors in MUMBAI (of course retail vendors) 2. Software reqd (i think i have most -- already have an running RHL9 box)
3. docs/tutorials/guides/howtos/websites blah blah ...
As about my exp & level of understanding -- i've myself setup my RHL9/W2K dual boot machine & comfortable with setting up TCP/IP etc.
Thanks, S
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Evening SD,
S D said:
RTFM www.tldp.org/howtos. Check the Net3-4 Howto and Using Gnu/Linux as a gateway.
Hi, You would require 1. Two PCI network-cards (Buy realtek based cards. they work great for home use. estimated price Rs. 250-300 each) 2. Ethernet twisted pair cable (buy 2-3 mts extra, cable is Rs 10 per meter) 3. if you have crimping tool, buy atleast 4 rj45 jacks. else get it crimped from the dealer. remember that the jacks cost 4-5 rs each if not bought in bulk. and dealer might charge you 50-100 rs for crimping)
You would need to make a crossover cable, no need to buy a hub for two pcs. If you plan to add more pcs, that time you can buy it.
If you dont know how to make crossover cable, go ahead..."ask me how?" :-)
Thanks and Regards, Kiran Ghag Web Page: http://kiran7.freeservers.com
While money can't buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery.
Hi Kiran,
Please let me know how to make a crossover cable.
Reg. Adi
On Mon, 2004-02-23 at 09:42, K i r @ n G h a g wrote: