Hi, I have recently bought the acer 4710z laptop, with linpus linux installed. I formatted and installed Fedora 7 on it. The webcam (acer Crystal eye) was not detected thus i tried the script given on forums.....http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/showthread.php?t=169878 After this i started experiencing problems with yum and though webcam was detected, was not compatible with video drivers. The GUI of software updater also hangs most of the time. Internet connection on my laptop is taken from my windows xp desktop. and i am a newbie with linux. Please guide to restore yum and also regarding the webcam. thank you.
On Sun, 2007-10-28 at 17:39 +0530, Vidyadhar Bhise wrote:
Get your machine to HBCSE. Someone will take a look at it. I'm there on most days but confirm with me before you come. Why not try a different distro till then? Say debian? Ubuntu? Mandriva? Slackware??
On Nov 2, 2007 11:30 PM, Dinesh Joshi dinesh.a.joshi@gmail.com wrote:
Get your machine to HBCSE. Someone will take a look at it. I'm there on most days but confirm with me before you come.
Thank you for replying. May I come on Wednesday, the Seventh of November? Will you be there? or whom can I meet. Can you give me detailed address? Thanking you again.
On 10/28/07, Vidyadhar Bhise vnb2005@gmail.com wrote:
Dear Vidhyadhar,
this link should be closer to the mark for you. Basically, it recommends the latest kernel with the linux-uvc module that supports the usb cam and a GStreamer update.
After this i started experiencing problems with yum and though webcam
If you're anywhere round the western suburbs, you can drop in to my place, as i have full local mirror of all F7 x86_64 repositories. You can update your system without downloading 1+GB of updates even. contact me off-list for details.
Regards R. K. Rajeev
On Nov 5, 2007 1:49 PM, Rajeev R. K. rajeevrk@gmail.com wrote:
I have already visited the link and followed instructions, alongwith installation of Linuxuvc driver. But still my webcam renders an error. following are the errors I get
http://dhost.info/vnb/luvcview_error_1 http://dhost.info/vnb/lsusb_error
see if you can guide me.
I have already updated the system with help of my friend. Thank you for the offer.