Hi I am trying to install Oracle Applications on Fedora Core 4. I am not able to get the Oracle universal installer. It gives the java null exception error, Java is loaded on the computer. when we gave java-version, it gave the java version.
When I give xclock, it shows me the clock.
Thanks, Ajay..
|----------------------------------------| |A j a y S o l a n k i | |Senior Consultant,(Oracle Apps). | |Oracle, NAIO, Bangalore. | |Oracle Certified Professional, Rel 6i | |MMS(Marketing), BE(Electronics). | |HAM -- VU2PAO | |Work -- +91 80 51082260 | |Cell -- +91 9845147120 | |US -- 1 650 607 8697 | |Mumbai-- +91 22 23775174 | |AIM -- ajaysolucky | |Chat -- innocent_devil_inu@yahoo.com | |----------------------------------------|
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