hey there,
surprise ! kde is nice stable and quite complete on redhat 9.0. What is the statement "kde rpms are privately created" supposed to mean ?! They are available with the official distribution.
And as for the argument of "more official". Its not the aim of the site you mentioned. They mean it to be a site for the *latest* kde rpms for those who can't deal with sources. Agreed rh is slow in releasing but that's applicable to even gnome packages!
And remote networking, ssh capabilities of a file manager is not exactly a regular guy's dream. I don't envision any normal user going ga-ga over remote editing in a file dialog box given that 80% of the users would save on an internet bill. And regarding your lament of a relatively featureless gnome open file dialog box, its going to be true only till 2.3 after the development plan is shifting aggresively to adding features to widgets. For 2.4 they are specifically addressing the needs of a more powerful dialog box.
And frankly if kde developers hate me for using redhat i don't give a damn. Hey rh is times better for any serious developing work/ enterprise env. Besides i recompile most of my packages for p4 for which currently no binary distro is optimized for, by default. So there's no question of missing candy.
then again, number of releases *along* with the introduction of new features is something to be reckoned with. Try mailing the nautilus dev list for a feature and you'll probably find it implemented in the next release. Thats what they want right now. feedback. And unless you give them that there's no chance of your favorite gizmo turning up in it.
Its more a c++ "feature" than KDE's. KDE is well >aware of this thing yet there is little short of improving gcc that can be done >about it.
blaming bad implementations on gcc is really uncool. KDE is slow. the developers know it. That they are working on it is a good sign. something that would make me consider KDE in the future.
Frankly I dont care, I mean I can play DivX movies >while simultaneously downloading them and having 3 >connections on my FTP server downloading from me at >near top speed with KDE running in all its glory, >and I have only 128MB RAM. Stats are for staticians.
And for developers. well i do care about free RAM. coz compiling needs plenty of it. thats top priority for me :D besides watching divx movies and file sharing and editing web pages. Ever faced disk thrashing ?
On a sidenews : there's this file sharing client out there mldonkey - works for quite a lot of filesharing n/w gnutella, edonkey, fasttrack (yeah!), bittorrent, directconnect. its really good and fast, check it out. And they use gtk :P
And of good reasons of gtk over qt ? m'be you could ask the developers of evolution, gaim, mldonkey, mplayer gui, xmms, gnucash. and many more perfectly useful software that you could shake your stick at.
Anything that is GPL gives equal level of powers to >modify it
At what level is the question. I don't expect most users to go patch my software to get it looking the way they want it to. gtk tries to keep the pain to minimum. I don't expect to go on a tweaking trip as soon as i install a desktop. I would like the options sensible enough. Gnome does that. KDE might, i'll leave that question.
I may give the newer mandrake a whirl as soon as i get hold of a set. (can you help me there?)
Indeed if you have used mozilla firebird you wouldn't say konqueror is better. The only complaint of long startup times for mozilla is being actively worked on will be taken care of in few months. Simple reason: they are moving away from XUL to platform dependent gui. Atleast for the framework.
Now what exactly are you missing in gnome toolbar is beyond me.
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On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 12:49:34AM +0530, linuxdev wrote:
Wow, where did you hear that?? AFAIK, MozillaFirebird _is_ entirely XUL and the mozilla engine is nothing but a XUL renderer. There's no way they could move "away from XUL". What they did was to move away from XPFE, which is a XUL toolkit used by the entire Mozilla application suite as we used to know it. Instead now Firebird and Thunderbird are separately written, but still in XUL just like the original XPFE.
What you probably mean is that XUL widgets are being implemented with native toolkits - but that's always been the case. You can have mozilla compiled with Gtk, if you like. The Debian packages for Mozilla are Gtk based, so that the widgets look and feel like the rest of your desktop.
On Wednesday 04 Jun 2003 12:49 am, linuxdev wrote:
GPL is such dear. No matter who makes them, any one can distribute GPL things as long as they abide by it.
You can shoot down nearly everything similerly. Point is KDE has ioslave, kparts, dcop, configurable toolbar/actions, and a lot of small but significant goodies in kdelibs. Gnome has very little to match them. [bonobo is there, but kparts is far superior].
Have you asked why do they have to wait that long for a dialog that simple? Trust me file chooser is a first year programming project, but at the same time most used dialog. C and callback mechanism of event handling in UI is a stumbling block, and in absence of OO, things quickly become bad.
And frankly if kde developers hate me for using redhat i don't give a damn. Hey rh is times better for any serious developing work/ enterprise env.
So you mean you dont care if some corporate biggies comes and exploits GPL, plays hostile and demeans OSS projects? AS a glug member I was expecting something else from you. Ignorance is not bliss. [I should start preparing my position paper in case RH decided to sue me ;)]
IceWM! IceWM! Its the coolest one.
And of good reasons of gtk over qt ? m'be you could ask the developers of evolution, gaim, mldonkey, mplayer gui, xmms, gnucash. and many more
Evolution is Ximian, they cant do otherwise. Using GTK is the biggest mistake done by gaim[ I am saying this coz, despite all their afforts they have not been able to truely separate core from GUI]. Mplayer doesnt care what mplayer gui uses [besides, everything else in mplayer is in C so it was logical to go for a C gui tool kit]. XMMS is legacy, Suns decision, and a period of time when GTK was considered more GPL than Qt has something to do with such decisions. Read GTK docs and Qt docs, and you will know how much GTK sucks. [Every time I mention GTK I mean C library used for GUI, which is to be compared with QT/kdelibs which is CPP; Gnome is a counterpart of KDE]
At what level is the question. I don't expect most users to go patch my software to get it looking the way they want it to. gtk tries to keep the
[That was in the context of developers not users].
That is the question, dont leave it. KDE does it as well. In one of the previos mails I listed all Mandrake asked since installation, and I havent changed much besides moving kicker to where I want. All fonts, all everything else. Please justify your claim in Gnome doing any better than KDE.
I may give the newer mandrake a whirl as soon as i get hold of a set. (can you help me there?)
My recommended option has been FTP install, but you may not access to a filthy Net connection as I have ;) I got Mandrake 9.1 CDs too, and would be willing to share with you, if Sameer lets us, next meeting would be in IITB, and IF my DDP lets me, I am planning to attend it.
- -- Amit Upadhyay Senior Undergraduate Student Department of Mechanical Engg. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Mumbai-76, India Phone: (91) 9820325940