hi all ,
due to some reasons I cannot store the various log files in the hard disk... I don't need to store those log files in permanent memory (i.e. in disk), i can afford to loose after the system is switched off....
So i want to know how store these access log files and error log files in some temporary storage area.... can any one tell me how can i do it.........
===== Ramesh, student, IIT, Bombay
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On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 12:47:46PM -0700, ramesh thatha wrote:
If the log sizes are within limits, and you can afford to spare some RAM, then you can make virtual RAM disks and mount them on, say, /var/log (or wherever your like).
But if your system is up for too long, you might fill up this virtual disk causing problems. So, you can consider the following two to overcome this.
1] If you don't *care* about the logs, put them to /dev/null
2] If you do want the logs for some reason, make the logrotate+cron programs clean up your logs every few minutes/hours.