Hi guys and gals,
June issue of LINUX For You is now out. Here's a list of the issue highlights...
*** THE DISTRO DVD *** UBUNTU 8.04 (Hardy Heron) is there on the DVD!
*** THE COVER STORY *** OOMXL: TO BE, OR NOT TO BE Is OOXML truly an Open Standard? Is it really fit to be an ISO standard? FSF's Nagarjuna, Red Hat's Venky, Sun's Jaijeet, NOOXML's Benjamin, and IBM's Ashish Gautam say "NO".
The Top 5 For Techies --------------------- #1 Tweaking Knoppix To Make your own Linux (distro) #2 Is Git better than Sub-version (SVN)? #3 NetBeans is better than Eclipse. Find out why. #4 How to boot a thin-client in a wireless environment? #5 How to use Shell Scripts to automate tasks?
The Top 5 For Everyone Else ------------------------ #1 Must-have Firefox Extensions #2 SliTaz Reviewed: A LIVE Distro that's only 25 MB #3 PageMaker Move Aside. Scribus is here. #4 Intel's Contest For Mobile Application Developers #5 CeltX: A cool tool for writing screen-plays
Basic details ------------- Issue: June 08; Pages: 116; Cover Price: Rs 100 (Includes a FREE DVD & CD) Accompanying CD contains Open Source Application Servers like JBoss and GlassFish
WHERE TO GET YOUR COPY? ************************ Here's the list of our national distributors (IBH) who can advise you on the nearest book-store near you:
# Ahmedabad - Mr. S. K. Sharma (079-26577068 & 32409422) # Bangalore - Mr. Devaru Bhatt (080-22261305, 080-22252385) # Chennai - Mr. Charls(044-28592582, 28592743) # Hyderabad - Mr. Ramesh Rajgopal (040-27564945, 040-27561140) # Kolkata - Mr. Mehta (033-22498096/97) # Mumbai - Mr. Anil Sha(022-24911871, 24925651) # New Delhi - Mr. P. K. Das (011-41523661, 23313014/15) # Pune - Mr. Ashok Basant (020-26131261, 26052750) # Trivandrum - Mr. Hari Kumar (0471-2475443) # Chandigarh - Mr. Sanjay Arora (o172 - 2703667)