Well,this discussion has been useful to me since I am in SEM-II Engg. and they are teaching us C++.
please read Stroustrup after learning a bit.
I would like to ask Pradeepto what does he mean by a bit.Exactly how much is a bit? Thanks for the recommendation of books.If the library doesn't have them,as our's usually doesn't,where can we get the books?Are there online subs available?
Hi Hariharan
On 1/20/07, C.E. Hariharan easwarno1@gmail.com wrote:
Well,this discussion has been useful to me since I am in SEM-II Engg. and they are teaching us C++.
please read Stroustrup after learning a bit.
I would like to ask Pradeepto what does he mean by a bit.Exactly how much is a bit?
Ummm .. .your call. If you want you can start from it as well. Its all up to you. But you would have been comfortable if you already knew some. But nothing stopping you from grabbing it right now. Your call.
Thanks for the recommendation of books.If the library doesn't have them,as our's usually doesn't,where can we get the books?Are there online subs available?
Sure they are available ( local editions in India even ). All of them that I mentioned in the other mail. I am sure Stroustrup will be available in the library, so check it out first before you buy it.
On Sat, 20 Jan 2007 14:48:03 +0530, C E Hariharan said:
Well,this discussion has been useful to me since I am in SEM-II Engg. and they are teaching us C++.
From my bookshelf: on C: 1 The C programming Language K&R 2 C: A reference manual Harbison & Steele 3 The C standard Library Plauger 4 C Style: Standards and Guidelines David Straker 5 The C companion Holub 6 Programming with POSIX threads Butenhof 7 Pthreads programming Nicoloas, Buttlar, and Farrell
On C++ 1 The C++ Language Stroustroup 2 C++: the core language Satir & Brown 3 The C++ Standard library Josuttis 4 C++ template Josuttis + Brown 5 Effective C++ Myers 6 Effective STL Myers 7 C++ How to program Dietel & deitel 8 Modern C++ design Alexandrescu 9 C++ Gotchas Dewhurst 10 C++ network programmin Schidt Huston
I have a smattering of other books, but none that Iwould recommend, apart from, perhaps: The practice of programming Kernighan & Pike
Sometime on Jan 20, C.E. Hariharan assembled some asciibets to say:
Well,this discussion has been useful to me since I am in SEM-II Engg. and they are teaching us C++.
please read Stroustrup after learning a bit.
I would like to ask Pradeepto what does he mean by a bit.Exactly how much is a bit?
I've been programming for over 20 years, and have been doing C++ for over 8 of those. I've never read Stroustrup. OTOH, I have friends who've been doing C++ for 4 years, but have read Stroustrup completely, and I have friends who fall at all levels between. We all have comparable C++ skills.
IOW, and as KG would say - different people have different requirements. You'll know when it's time for you to read Stroustrup because you'll actually be able to read it.