On Tuesday 04 January 2005 15:09, Rony Bill wrote:
On Tue, 2005-01-04 at 11:06, sherlock@vsnl.com wrote:
We are not. The original topic was 1) is windows popular because it is easy / better / secure yak yak to use Ans. No windowss not easy, ( i still cant install my LICENSED win98 properly - it keeps crashing - and I do have the experience 24 yrs in the pc industry starting with z80 2 Mhz sbc, then the miracle - I assembled an 8088-4.77 that is 4770000 Hz 128KB ram with GW basic in 32k rom and 10MB hd, and a keyboard that would put a gladiator's shield to shame - sob jaane kahan gaye woh din. And the mouse came 4 months later without a driver i wrote an assembly lang driver hah ha) better, or even popular it is become so because of illegal bussiness practices. The long list of court cases shows why (but ofcourse u have to read and understand that link rather than click here and there randomly )
2) Is it ok to use pirate software particularly by small bussinesses Ans. It is not and not just because u have a completely superior, orders of magnitude cheaper completely legal alternative.
3) Random points about providing service without ability to do so Ans. Dont do ANYTHING without ability particularly when u charge for the thing.
4) Stupid attempts to paper over piracy for personal gain Ans. Rebuttal of this and to show that the pirate needs no mercy at all. 5) Simplistic and totally wrong inference about kernel, distro, hardware, drivers, and applications. Ans: get informed before diving into the deep end. The rebuttal requires the reader have basic understanding of these issues.
And finally why am i flogging this topic so much. Ans. because u and many others shifting from windows to GNU/linux just dont seem to understand the difference between fact and your version of it. Nor do you realise that u are doing nobody a favour in switching over to GNU/linux. And that lack of knowledge and skill can be easily corrected with only a little effort. And if u are doing bussiness the rules changed a few yrs ago.
On Wed, 2005-01-05 at 11:09, sherlock@vsnl.com wrote:
You have a solid profile dear. I haven't done all this. I switched over from consumer and office electronics into computers late in my career so I can't go back to school now. I am just trying to make a simple living from whatever knowledge I aquired on computers. I am sorry but your suggestions are of no use to me.