[Forwarding without prejudice -- Raju]
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Subject: DLUG Date: Monday 04 May 2009 From: Scott Mackenzie scott.mackenzie@meeza.com.qa To: "raju@linux-delhi.org" raju@linux-delhi.org
Dear Raju,
We are building out a business in Doha, Qatar that will span the Middle East & North Africa. The business model is quite unique and is pushing out a better balance of Linux/Unix/MS/Other than ever before in the region. Linux/Unix is not widely used and locating the talent needed to help balance the market is very challenging. We are seeking some help from DLUG. Can DLUG please communicate to its membership that this hip startup called MEEZA (apologies v.1.0 of our site is not great) http://www.meeza.com.qa/ needs help and is seeking full time employees to join us. We are targeting those that are considered Gurus or Gurus in training and have direct experience in service provider operations. With the global economic downturn affecting many we hope that this opportunity may be of interest to members of DLUG.
Thank you for taking the time to consider this request.
Warm Regards,
Scott E. MacKenzie Chief Executive Officer
T +974 454 7120 M +974 585 4188 F +974 454 7121 Email: scott.mackenzie@meeza.com.qamailto:scott.mackenzie@meeza.com.qa
P.O.BOX 5825 Doha - Qatar
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On Tuesday 05 May 2009, george@annamsoft.com wrote:
As i am interested with this commerical, whom should i contact further or where do i send my resume.
Please take the time to read the forwarded message in it's *entirety* the contact email is given at the bottom of the message.
-- Arun Khan