Siddhartha wrote :
I have RedHat Linux 7.2 installed alongwith Windows 2000 on my Compaq Desktop. Every once in a while Linux freezes mysteriously and Win2K never does (to my embarrasment since I advocate Linux at my workplace). I checked the bootlogs etc for any error messages but got none. So looking
help. What info should I post that could help someone troubleshoot the problem? I suspect the NIC or the video card drivers.
hi siddhartha,
my guess is that you could have buggy ram - try a free utility called "memtest" - this should let you know if your ram is okay. ( it comes with its own manual, and you may have to leave it on overnight for a thorough test). you should get this utility easily if you search for it on google.
once your ram is okay, we could start looking at other hardware components/drivers. i've had similar problems and the culprit has always been buggy ram.
hope this helps,