Hey guys and gals, This is tell you that there is an job opening for PERL programmers with MYSQL knowledge. The candidate must be of an intermediate level or basic level. All interested candidates please mail your resume to greatforwards4u.com or greatjobs04.rediffmail.com. the requirement is on an urgent bases.
with regards, ANTHONY.
--------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard - Read only the mail you want.
All commercial mails, which include job postings, MUST have a [Commercial] tag in the subject line. Please do not fail to include the same.
On a side note, it's Perl and not PERL - seriously. Ask me why. Go ahead, ask me why.
Sometime on Feb 22, Hari Kurup assembled some asciibets to say:
have you read the perl faq? I'll tell you why after you read that.
Sometime on Feb 23, Philip S Tellis assembled some asciibets to say:
have you read the perl faq? I'll tell you why after you read that.
It is Perl not perl
Can't we just have a set of perl scripts or just mailman who parses emails for compliancy with the list guidelines.
Philip S Tellis said:
These errors would be repeated for sure philip and theres no stopping them. Also, its not a very good sight to see list admins posting these regulations time and again.
Take care philip and have a great day.
PN: When do we meet regards the sessions at various colleges across the country.
Sometime Today, Trevor Warren assembled some asciibets to say:
Can't we just have a set of perl scripts or just mailman who parses emails for compliancy with the list guidelines.
sure, who'll write it? who'll do the work?
This is tell you that there is an job opening for PERL programmers with
MYSQL knowledge.
The candidate must be of an intermediate level or basic level.
Also on a side note, it's MySQL and not MYSQL. And oh yes... go on ask me why?
On Mon, 23 Feb 2004, Amol Hatwar wrote:
~ Also on a side note, it's MySQL and not MYSQL. And oh yes... go on ask me ~ why?
And on some other footpath note, its' not "go on ask me why?" it should be either "go on ask me why!" or "go on ask me "why?"!", or something like that. And dont' even ask me why!