Rony (?) wrote:
This pen-drive example looks crap. I have been using Pen-Drive on Debian since c. 2004 (Sarge Snapshot).
Some more better examples?
Etch is not Testing, it is stable now (Since April 8). Live on current time!!
Asked anywhere? Forums, IRCs? This list?
On 5/25/07, Kartik Mistry wrote:
And I have been using Etch with KDE since sometime. Its the same CD/DVD set that I think Vihan downloaded and then gave it to Prasanta/Anurag and I got the same thing from them eventually. It worksforme, atleast whatever little I have used of it. Its on my older desktop - a P4 2.4Ghz, Rony - I think I told you about its config when we spoke about other stuff some weeks back. I have yet to check printer stuff with that box though. But I have pretty much done everything else with it. Only problem I face is if I switch to tty, I can't come back to X. Prolly its my crappy xorgconf which is sucky surely, I did some fubar to it to get 1024x768 working. But I am living happily with it for now. For the sake of completeness - I use the good ol' debian installer to install Etch and not the GUI installer.
Pradeepto Bhattacharya wrote:
My etch testing result was not good. Using Kubuntu 6.10 now.
This could be due to a low memory page setting in your bios. I had to increase it to 8 MB for my P4 2.4 Ghz system after kernel 2.6.X.
That could be the reason. I had used the new GUI installer.