Well..finally a sensible article in the mainstream media... read about how the FBI became Microsoft's latest marketing agency...
http://www.time.com/time/columnist/taylor/article/0,9565,169678,00.htm l
The article is about the Code Red worm's publicity..
regards, kishor
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Sometime today, Kishor Bhagwat wrote:
Well..finally a sensible article in the mainstream media... read about how the FBI became Microsoft's latest marketing agency...
But we're not talking the virtual version of HIV here. There was no malicious intent. The greatest effect so far noted in Code Red's last go-round two weeks ago was that the White House website, the ultimate target of its initial attacks, had to change its IP address. [snip]
Shouldn't the IP be looked up from DNS during an attack? Why not attack www.whitehouse.gov instead of a hard-coded IP address? Are lookups too expensive for a DoS attack?
Manish J.
Sometime on Aug 6, Manish Jethani assembled some asciibets to say:
weeks ago was that the White House website, the ultimate target of its initial attacks, had to change its IP address. [snip]
Shouldn't the IP be looked up from DNS during an attack? Why not attack www.whitehouse.gov instead of a hard-coded IP address? Are lookups too expensive for a DoS attack?
If you really want the attack to work, then yes. If your intent instead is to show that pseudo random number generators, when started with a well chosen seed at different times will all converge onto a single value, then it's the beauty of the mathematics that comes into play. DNS lookups would be plain cheating, and ugly. This wasn't plain math though, more of brute force.