I know Google is my friend, but is there any alternative for Macromedia Dreamweaver for Linux or do I have to use Wine / CrossOverOffice? Has anyone had success with running these applications in GNU/Linux? If yes, what distro did you use and what was the hardware specs of the computer?
No direct alternative for dreamweaver on Linux exists. But you can try NVu (http://www.nvu.com/) which is still in development stage.
Rishi wrote:
I know Google is my friend, but is there any alternative for Macromedia Dreamweaver for Linux or do I have to use Wine / CrossOverOffice? Has anyone had success with running these applications in GNU/Linux? If yes, what distro did you use and what was the hardware specs of the computer?
Nilesh Bansal http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/nilesh/