Hi list,
I'm not aware if this question has been asked on this list or not. But why the damn mailman gives out email addresses in quotes? I'm talking about this:
On ..... Dinesh Joshi dj@xyz.com wrote:
sadasdas ....
I know technology can't solve all user incompetence but can't mailman just obfuscate mail addresses in quotes? I've been harping over this for a long time. Each time I tell people to configure their MUA not to quote my / anybody's email address but it'll be much easier if mailman can screen the messages for email addresses in quotes and remove / edit them out?
Dinesh Joshi wrote:
As you can see here, the quote above does not contain your email address. The line above a quote is added by your mail client, not mailman - and you can configure your mail client to put whatever you like there. In fact, I've seen some pretty funny examples of this :)
On Sun, 2007-05-27 at 22:23 +0530, Anant Narayanan wrote:
I know it. Probably I didn't word my mail correctly... Many of the MUA ( mail clients in your words ) are configured to include the email address of the person being quoted. It would be nice for mailman to obfuscate those addresses thats all what I said.
On 28-May-07, at 12:09 AM, Dinesh Joshi wrote:
address of the person being quoted. It would be nice for mailman to obfuscate those addresses thats all what I said.
it would be wrong
On Sunday 27 May 2007 22:17:42 Dinesh Joshi wrote:
I have a suggestion. Quit the list. No one will quote your email address then.
On Monday 28 May 2007 00:08:07 Dinesh Joshi wrote:
It is a positive response. It is one of the possible solutions to your problem.
--- Mrugesh Karnik wrote:
I have a suggestion. Quit the list. No one will quote your email address then.
This suggestion seems to point out something to the OP. Indirectly.
-- FSF of India Associate Fellow - http://www.gnu.org.in S K Somaiya College of ASC- http://www.somaiya.edu/sksasc ubunturos @ freenode
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DJ dropped bits saying:
mailman doesn't do that. Your email client does it.
I know technology can't solve all user incompetence but can't mailman just obfuscate mail addresses in quotes? I've been harping over this for
While mailman could obfuscate all email addresses in the body of the message, that would be a very very bad thing for it to do.
I'll let you figure out why while you cool down.
Sometime on Monday 28 May 2007, Dinesh Joshi said:
You really dont care about b0rken job postings, do you? And digitally signed messages? And repatching mailman after every upgrade?
Besides, we'll have to start putting a warning/disclaimer that we modify users's message body due to foobar reasons.
On 28-May-07, at 12:10 AM, Dinesh Joshi wrote:
if it is obfuscated, how would i reply to you (assuming i wanted to)
--- Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
Mail clients hide headers? (I haven't used any, so sorry if this seems to be stupid question!)
If they do, it is better to start using Web-based email. They don't hide email addresses. :)
BTW, I guess, OP has asked for blocking it in the body, since he may have discovered, that the mailman protects it on archives.
-- FSF of India Associate Fellow - http://www.gnu.org.in S K Somaiya College of ASC- http://www.somaiya.edu/sksasc ubunturos @ freenode
Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Click here http://in.messenger.yahoo.com/webmessengerpromo.php
On Mon, 2007-05-28 at 06:23 +0530, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
if it is obfuscated, how would i reply to you (assuming i wanted to)
It'll be only obfuscated in the message body and not the header of the message. So you'll still be able to reply. I'm not talking about obfuscating it from everyplace. I'll give a better example:
-Message Header---------------------------------------------- From: you@yourdomain.com To: me@mydomain.com Reply To: linuxers@blug.org Subject: Re: some thread
-Body-------------------------------------------------------- On 28-May-07, at 12:10 AM, some user ( foo@bar.com ) wrote:
foo foo foo... bar bar bar...
Mailman, simply changes the body to obfuscate the message like this:
-Body-------------------------------------------------------- On 28-May-07, at 12:10 AM, some user ( foo@XXXXXXXX ) wrote:
foo foo foo... bar bar bar...
or in some way you like...
On 28-May-07, at 11:38 AM, Dinesh Joshi wrote:
ahh - now i understand, you want mailman to scrutinise every message and obfuscate all email addresses in the message body. Can you quote the relevant RFC for this?
DJ dropped bits saying:
I'll let you figure out why while you cool down.
I couldn't figure it out. Enlighten me.
It's lossy. For example, the smtp tutorial that I'd posted to this list several years ago would be worthless if mailman did that.
If you're really interested in fixing this, then publish a thorough document that takes into account all possible scenarios in the known universe, fixes them all with no false positives and no false negatives, and I will personally implement it in mailman.
On 5/27/07, Dinesh Joshi wrote:
Well I can see that gmail quotes the email address as well. Also, there seems to be no way to customize that behaviour; and if anyone knows of one then please let me know.
I know technology can't solve all user incompetence but can't mailman
Everything depends upon what you believe to be user incompetence. Inability to edit simple config files can also be termed as user incompetence.
There has been a thread on this once before. I think I was the 'guilty party' then (or was it Manoj?). Honestly, if you want so much privacy then why do you get out of your computer on to the interweb? Participation in a public mailing list implies that you do not mind strangers wanting to talk to you or email you. If you want to ignore someone then you flag him/her as spam. Your mail service provider will do the rest.
And can you imagine that there are certain lists that don't remove email addresses even from the headers? The debian lists, gtk-list are ones I know and am signed up to. And just imagine the disaster when you put in your email address as maintainer in your FOSS code that gets mirrored over hundreds of servers and all of it is indexed by good ol' Google. Or would you prefer putting in your phone number/postal address instead?
Strangely, despite all this I've hardly ever seen any spam in my Inbox; it's all in the Spam Bin.
Siddhesh Poyarekar wrote:
I did write to google about that a long time ago. I used their suggest a feature page (http://mail.google.com/support/bin/request.py?contact_type=suggest), but nothing ever changed. Now if a whole lot of people asked for this, google might change things.
On Mon, 2007-05-28 at 08:43 +0530, Siddhesh Poyarekar wrote:
I dont mind strangers talking to me. But what i mind is spam bots sending spam to my mailbox. Gmail does a decent job of keeping spam out. But a lot of it is getting through as well. Its better to try and keep things safe than be sorry. If the MUA is faulty or as you stated Gmail quotes email addresses, then mailman could be a line of defense to keep email addresses being displayed in the message body.
Why does mailman obfuscate the email addresses in the headers? ( user@[EMAIL-PROTECTED] ) in the archives? Obviously preventing spam is a goal, right? Well, if it can protect addresses in the headers then it _should_ do the same even in the email's body. Not doing so can be classified as a classic security stupidity... Heavily guard your front door while someone enters from the unprotected rear :P
On 28-May-07, at 11:47 AM, Dinesh Joshi wrote:
Why does mailman obfuscate the email addresses in the headers? ( user@[EMAIL-PROTECTED] ) in the archives?
mailman doesnt do that - anurag hacked mailman to do that
Quoting Dinesh Joshi dinesh.a.joshi@foobar.com:
I for one, do not think its a good idea to edit message bodies. And i fail to understand the logic behind only editing the message body. If the spambot has access to the entire email, then it has access to message headers as well as message body.
In the archives too, we only have edited From: fields. And that too because of popular demand. We do not have lossy editing of message body in archives.
Dinesh Joshi wrote:
If you use 'Eremove', you can wipe out spam from your inbox before its downloaded. However I haven't tried it in gmail's SSL POP access. I use yahoo and all spam is directed to the 'BULK' folder and I selected the option in yahoo to download these too in POP access as some good mail gets transferred there. Once I find no useful message in the Bulk subject lines, I simply delete them.
To the list ! I don't know much about mailman and how it has to handle various mail formats as Anurag pointed out. However I notice that mailman finally posts messages as html web pages. So is it possible that this _webpage_ is passed through a text filter that simply removes everything immediately after the @ sign anywhere in the text? This will still allow users to post useful URLs.