Abhishek, may be we can have a small formal meeting with Kenneth if he is available. other interested people can also join in. the main point here is that once this problem of talli is solved, a huge community will embrace gnu/linux happyly. and bringing gnu/linux down to the common man is a major task still undone. regards. Krishnakant. <<<<<<<<< Not to belittle anyone's efforts, as KG has obviously done some splendid groundwork, but for it to be a box office success, there needs to be a dedicated team which will need to get paid. There can be guides, overseers, volunteers, helpers, but a dedicated team needs to be working on it full time and get paid at market rates.
For this someone has to come up with a resource requirements list and then put it forward to the community who may choose to contribute towards it. Units can be A)Accountant B)Programmer C) infrastructure and with a set timeline, an opensource product can be achieved.
Am sure there's a bunch of HNV individuals out there who wouldnt mind contributing big amounts provided they are shown a solid plan.
Krishnakant has volunteered to be the pointman, which is great. Hope this time around, there can be a beta product by 2007 April and hopefully a full fledged app by 2008 april.