Dear All,
We have come up with a story idea and would really appreciate if you chip in and share your views on this. The topic is :'What would you like to change about Linux and why?' Please let us have your insightful suggestions on the same.
Linux - the kernel. Get rid of binary blobs in drivers.
GNU/Linux distros are a different ball game altogether.
Debian is doing just fine.
On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Priyanka Sarkar efyedit6@efyindia.comwrote:
On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 2:33 PM, Priyanka Sarkar efyedit6@efyindia.comwrote:
The question is framed wrongly.
If you say linux, you are talking of the kernel. The question is of interest to technologists and developers.
If you are asking the question from a user perspective, you again have tech users - sysadmins, software developers etc - and ordinary desktop users.
So who is the question targetted to?
No body uses just the Kernel i.e. Linux. People use OpenOffice, PHP, Python, Ruby, MySQL and Apache. And various other system tools and utilities.
As per your question: "What would you like to change about Linux and why?"
The software systems and Internet has matured a lot in the last 5 years. Its now Web2.0 and soon (read 10 years) to upgrade to Web 3.0. The users on Window$, Linux (+Android), Apple (Mac as well as iPAD) all have the same needs and same likes to use the tool which is a computing device.
To shorten the discussion, I would like to tell you something: 1. This is just the dawn of Information Age. 2. The promise of this age is not just free email a/cs, blogs and word processors. 3. There are 7 pillars of information age: Pillar 1 - Information Itself Pillar 2 - Communication Pillar 3 - Automation Pillar 4 - Recreation Pillar 5 - Dissemination Pillar 6 - Transaction Pillat 7 - Education
1. Now you see Information are the news & info dot-coms. The progress in this area since last 10 years have been to giving RSS feeds. 2. Similarly Communication had Emails, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger & ICQ. Now we have Skype, GTalk and FaceTime in mobiles. Also smart-phones iPhone and Androids. Don't forget FaceBook - the social networking site. Social Media Web has also happened. 3. Automation was always there as MRP (Material Resource Planning), MRP2, ERP and then CRM. The stalwarts include Salesforce and Oracle. 4. Recreation started with mp3s and mp3 players for the desktop and then finally Apple iPOD. Now iTunes is the only standard Mp3 and Movie retailer. Also Gaming has been on the forefront, right since M$ Solitaire. 5. Dissemination began late with Wikipedia and Blogs & Twitters. 6. Transaction - eCommerce, Paying Bills, PayPal and a lot more. 7. Education - It is still in its version 1. We have KhanAcademy, LearnZillion, iTunes University and hundreds more.
So if you have to think from the users perspective, you first have to draw the different personas of the individual. 1. A joe would need all what I have written above as the 7 pillars 2. A developer would need better authoring environment like the best of the breed Visual Studio or Net Beans. 3. A artist or photographer cannot survive without tools from Adobe or Apple (iMovie, Garageband).
Most of the stuff on the web is Linux is not true but yes it is either GPL or Creative Commons or BSD license. Its true that OpenBSD is far superior than Linux, but you need to be a good hacker (potential to learn more) to be able to use it. Its true that all web stuff like Wordpress & even FaceBook is made using OpenSource & GPL PHP. Even Twitter is made using Ruby On Rails (again OpenSource MIT License)
Open Source Rocks!!! For what is open source read all the license at Free Software is not Open Source and is not even successful. When the people who wanted to business using GPL code came together they realised that they cannot call their work Free Software and hence they coined the word Open Source. These 2 approaches are distinctly different though both have the dot-2-dot same source code & binaries. It was RMS who started this project as GNU the free Unix OS. He failed in making the kernel of the project, because he chose a superior architecture called Micro Kernel. Linus Torvalds then a student at University of Helsinki in Finland wrote a kernel for fun & called it Linux. He chose monolithic architecture which is far inferior than Microkernel architecture. But since the speed of the microprocessors have increased tremendously since then, now it does not matters if the kernel is monolithic or microkernel. RMS still pleads the world to call Linux as GNU/Linux. Some follow him, many don't.
The needs of any user, whether on Window$, or Linux or Macintosh is the same.
What do you say?
Regards, Navin Dhahnuka
On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 4:13 PM, J T Dsouza wrote:
Back to trolling Navin Dhanuka?
On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 4:47 PM, Navin Dhanuka wrote:
Current server market share GNU/Linux 32%, BSD 1%, unknown (solaris, IBM Z and other nixies) 32%, Microsoft 33%
In the super computing field GNU/Linux is 90%+
Its true that OpenBSD is far superior than Linux, but you need to be a good
That is a statement of pure ignorance. Just stop using gcc and you will be back to the stone ages.
When people who wanted to misappropriate gpl software they came together and begin to call it open source, so as to divert squeamish questions about the four freedoms guaranteed in the GPL. The upshot is that although the linux kernel has orders of magnitude more installs than any other kernel, (and is utterly dependent on core GNU tools viz gcc and friends, before it can do anything at all), it continues to be dogged by binary blobs and lockins as exemplified by Android.
This is particularly visible in projects of great importance to India like the AAkash tablet.
These 2 approaches are distinctly different though both have the dot-2-dot
same source code & binaries.
No they dont. Binary blobs form part of many binaries which are actually in violation of the GPL. Harald Welte a kernel contributor has successfully sued companies like Linksys (a CISCO company) and Dlink for GPL violations.
ALL of the above is fine for starting a flamewar and trolling, but provides nothing to the ops question on Desktops.
Desktop sales have dropped for the second year running, and would be obsolete in the near future. Intel architecture would also see a stupendous drop. AMD has fired the first salvo with 64bit ARM quadcore motherboards. Prices are anticipated to be tremendously cheaper. Since M$ does not have even a rudimentary prescence on nonX86 architectures, Linux + android/Mozilla/somethingortheother would replace Microsoft.
For the average desktop user, the primary concern is to be able to use office tools, browse, use multimedia and attach several peripherals, like printers, scanners, phones and cameras. GNU/Linux distros like Ubuntu and Fedora now work transparently. They also perform way better than M$ bloatware.
Gaming continues to remain a problem due to binary blobs in 3d GPU video cards and non disclosure of specfications by GPU manufacturers. However in a major change, NVIDIA has opened the specs and APIS for drivers to it's 192 core GPU expected to be launched shortly.
So not much seems to be needed at the moment. GNU/Linux is doing just fine.
On 6 February 2014 06:59, Priyanka Sarkar wrote:
We have come up with a story idea and would really appreciate if you chip in and share your views on this. The topic is :'What would you like to change about Linux and why?' Please let us have your insightful suggestions on the same.
Its a bad story idea , as far as linux the kernel is concerned , please check out android and binary blobs . I wish to have all binary blobs gone . Nvidia has recently pledged support to Noveau drivers after " Linus outrage " and looks like its doing something .
Linux kernel is very well forked and used by Android project which has its own goals :D . As far as the distros are concerned I am happy with debian , I wish ubuntu stops doing silly stuff and spoil its own reputation . I wish Linux mint debian edition becomes more stable and gains more adoption than the linux mint ubuntu edition so as to reach the goal of final migration to debian for all users including newbies . Arch has got extensive documentation and also got many new adopters if I understand it correctly it appeals all those who want latest versions , updates and those who dont mind using the console for tinkering .
PS : It was a wrongly framed question , please do research in advance, you have been posting such "inputs needed" mails to this mailing list for quite some time , the community was very responsive, you are getting your article content to print and sell Linux for you magazine . The least you could do is read up on the community interests and keywords . can be a good start .
Regards, Pavithran
I wish Linux mint debian edition becomes more stable and gains more adoption than the linux mint ubuntu edition so as to reach the goal of final migration to debian for all users including newbies . Arch has got extensive documentation and also got many new adopters if I understand it correctly it appeals all those who want latest versions , updates and those who dont mind using the console for tinkering . Since the discussion has moved to desktops, ElementaryOS is doing an awesome job. Even my dad uses it (who is now retired)!
They have a great “Get Involved” page too:
PS : It was a wrongly framed question , please do research in advance, you have been posting such "inputs needed" mails to this mailing list for quite some time , the community was very responsive, you are getting your article content to print and sell Linux for you magazine . The least you could do is read up on the community interests and keywords . can be a good start .
Regards, Pavithran --