Hello everybody, I am writing for the first time though i have been visiting the mailing list sincle a long time.Well the question is i wanted to practice Linux -Networking(Samba squid and all that stuff), now do do this i had an Athlon 1800+ already with Microsucks & Suse 9.3 .Now to go ahead with my work i purchased a 2nd hand pentium mmx 166 mhz with 32 mb ram.my question to the group is will this oldie satisfy my networking needs. regards Penguinpuppy
-- To Love The Penguin(aka TUX) You Need To Be As Faithful As A Puppy
Sometime on Mon, Mar 27, 2006 at 03:14:40PM +0100, PenguinPuPPy said:
This box will serve as a good internet gateway and firewall. You can install samba/squid on it and it will work too, but you need large RAM to actually put it to some practical use.
On 3/28/06, Arun K. Khan knura@yahoo.com wrote:
I've got 2x8 MB 30-pin SIMM modules lying around. Tried to sell them long-time back but couldn't find a buyer. Would gladly give them away for free (as in beer) ... if they still work ;-). I am located in Santa Cruz(E), Mumbai. Mail me off-line if interested. FCFS - offer open till stock lasts!!!
- farazs
32MB is fine enough. I used a similar box with Debian for a while. It was a bit slow but the processor was to be blamed for that. I currently am using the same config with 128MB ( or is it 64MB? ) RAM and it works like a dream :). I have great uptimes, stability, low running costs, no heating issues :)
-- Regards,
Dinesh A. Joshi