--- Tahir Hashmi (VSE, NCST) http://tahirhashmi.scriptmania.com mailme@tahirhashmi.scriptmania.com __________________________________ We, the rest of humanity, wish GNU luck and Godspeed
On 28 Feb 2002 12:10:07 -000 shahazad wrote:
2,000,000,000 Web Pages--you only need 1. Save time with My Lycos. http://my.lycos.com
--- Tahir Hashmi tahirbond@lycos.com wrote:
[snip] dude....i think he meant...how do i install linux on windoZe.
To the creator of this thread...."dude.......Linux is an O.S by itself and would do with it's own partitions...
http://www.linux.org http://www.linuxdoc.org
Trevor Warren
Tahir Hashmi (VSE, NCST)
===== ( >- LINUX, It's all about CHOICE -< ) /~\ __ http://www.qmailtheeasyway.com __ /~\ | ) / mailto: trevorwarren@yahoo.com \ (/ | |_|_ \ Urgent ->9820349221@maxtouch.co.in / _|_| ___________________________________/
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errr....i have some confusing things to add of my own one person recently told me that RH 7.2 runs on windows u dont have to partition or anything... i was quite taken aback,to say the least.. so whats with this "linux on windows" thingy eh?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Trevor Warren" trevorwarren@yahoo.com To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 6:30 PM Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] Linux for Win2000
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--- aaaaarrrgghhh aaaaarrrgghhh@yahoo.com wrote:
basically it uses a loopback filesystem ala beos that makes images for / and swap on ur vfat/ntfs(?) filesystem and mounts it in loopback mode booting is via loadlin(dunno on win2k)
this feature is available since 7.0 and IS DAMN SLOW install this on a newbies m/c and i garuntee (s)hell never wanna use linux again
how do you eat an elephant simply , spoon by spoon
satyajit dixit a.k.a synapse
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--- aaaaarrrgghhh aaaaarrrgghhh@yahoo.com wrote:
so whats with this "linux on windows" thingy eh?
Misinformation as usual ...
What RHL 7.2 actually does is to create the _entire_ Linux filesystem on a FAT32 file system using meta-data and stuff. You can boot into Linux, but it uses an extra level of abstraction to get at the filesystem ... damn slow monster!
===== -- MTech Student Reconfigurable Computing Lab KReSIT, IIT-Bombay
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--- "Sameer D. Sahasrabuddhe" sam_buddhe@yahoo.com wrote:
[snip] eeeeeeeeeks......
a nightmare for a start...;)
Trevor Warren
===== ( >- LINUX, It's all about CHOICE -< ) /~\ __ http://www.qmailtheeasyway.com __ /~\ | ) / mailto: trevorwarren@yahoo.com \ (/ | |_|_ \ Urgent ->9820349221@maxtouch.co.in / _|_| ___________________________________/
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