Dear all,
When I try to start mysqld by service mysqld start, I get "mysqld: unrecognized service".
I selected "Everything" during the RHEL installation, so all packaged must have been installed. When I do the same on RH9, mysqld starts successfully and I get the mysql shell.
I also tried this on RHEL 4, but get the same error as on RHEL 3. I did a locate mysql and found lots of files containing "mysql", but nothing called "mysqld".
Is there an issue with RHEL and the mysql server? Do I have to install it separately?
Regards, NMK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Never put off till run-time what you can do at compile-time. -- D. Gries
Is there an issue with RHEL and the mysql server? Do I have to install it separately?
RTFM ;-)
On a serious note, this thread should help you out:
BTW this was the first result on google when I searched for "mysqld rhel" (without quotes). So I guess you should have tried googling for it first.
Regards, Siddhesh
On 1/29/06, Siddhesh Poyarekar wrote:
I had done that, thank you very much. If all problems were solved by RTFM, no one would subscribe to mailing lists.
On a serious note, this thread should help you out:
I had read that too.
BTW this was the first result on google when I searched for "mysqld
rhel" (without quotes). So I guess you should have tried googling for it first.
I always google first. When still in doubt, I ask for help from mailing lists like these.
I had installed "Everything", but still mysql wasn't installed on RHEL. And it had installed on RH9. Thats why I was in doubt. It would not have been smart to download a package on a produciton server without being sure whether its installed in the first place. I was under the impression that some config file needed to be modified for it to work.
Thanks anyway. :-)
Regards, NMK.
Sometime Today, NMK cobbled together some glyphs to say:
I had done that, thank you very much. If all problems were solved by RTFM, no one would subscribe to mailing lists.
It's been a very long time since I've had to ask a question on a mailing list. The answer is either in the docs already, or on some mailing list archives. You just have to be willing to spend 4-8 hours (or more) doing some research.
If you think that that's too much, consider this:
Time for you to research: 8 man hours
Time for you to write the mail: 5-10minutes Time for one list member to read the mail: 5minutes Time for all 1016 list members to read the mail: 83 man hours
What's more expensive?
On 1/30/06, Philip Tellis wrote:
You got it all wrong buddy. It's 5-10 minutes of my time and 83 hours of yours. I think I can play games for the 7 hours and 55 minutes rather than doing research. Why choose pain when it's easy to be lame ?? (wow that almost rhymes).
--> Vinayak H --
On Mon, 2006-01-30 at 20:04, Philip Tellis wrote:
Well, I cannot research on a production server. If it was a simple issue like reconfiguring some service, I would have gone through with it. But something as critical as re-installing a supposedly installed db? Noooo!
Since you're at the topic, how much time do you think it will take for me to intimate RH about my issue, for them to analyze it, research it and then for them to reply?
Regards, NMK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- It is when I struggle to be brief that I become obscure. -- Quintus Horatius Flaccus
Sometime Today, NMK cobbled together some glyphs to say:
It doesn't matter. You're paying them for that. If you agree to pay every member of this list, then we'll agree to research it for you. It could well cost you about a lakh.
Quoting "Nadeem M. Khan"
If you look through I posted some meaningful comments in my earlier response to the thread, still if you dont get it, then I can lead you to a much better practical solution.
How bout you paying me INR 1000 and I shall install latest MySQL for your server ( It cant get any cheaper than showing crazy ROI numbers on Hours spent)
This way you save a lot of time on fruiteless discussions. Oh btw, cat /dev/null > "all flames on the post";
Thanks & Regards, Mitul Limbani, Founder & CEO, Enterux Solutions, The Enterprise Linux Company (TM),
On 1/31/06, Mitul Limbani wrote:
You're getting me wrong. I appreciate the help in your earlier posts. It was also interesting to read Philip's posts.
To tell you the truth, I was pissed of by Mr Siddhesh Porayekar's post asking me to RTFM. Its not that I'm a day old member of the LUG. I know nobody out there would do my homework for me and I wasn't expecting anything on those lines. All I did was ask a supposedly simple query to which I couldn't find a proper solution on google. I did it just to be absolutely sure. Lots was at stake.
Mr Porayekar, did I break the list protocol?
Regards, NMK.
Nadeem M Khan wrote:
Did you check the package list in the package manager? Was your software listed? I doubt if it is. AS3 is a commercial software.
You could also go through this link.
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Alright I have to clear my stand here. If you read my post you'll notice that I had actually said RTFM as a joke (do note the smiley). And to follow it up I DID look up google for it and returned to you the most relevant result. I don't have a RHEL installed at my end here so I simply put forward a result I thought was most relevant.
And as far as your query goes you haven't really gone anywhere further than saying "I can't find mysqld" and "I read that one" without mentioning how it worked out/didn't work out.
I apologize if you took offence to my joke, more so because we're not talking face to face here and there's plenty of scope to be misunderstood
Regards, Siddhesh
PS: Dinesh, RTFM is read as Read the Fine Manual, so I doubt if there's anything offensive per say. But I have to agree it is quite impish. It was something I had noticed on this mailing list a lot when I had signed up earlier (around 2002) and hence came up with this terrible idea of jesting about it.
PPS: Lets see if this gets past the list moderator now ;-)
On Tuesday 31 Jan 2006 7:39 pm, Mitul Limbani wrote:
How bout you paying me INR 1000 and I shall install latest MySQL for your server
i'll do postgres for 855
On 31/01/06 19:15 +0530, Nadeem M. Khan wrote:
No. You research on a workstation. You then deploy on a test box, then escalate to production. To know whether a product is really installed, man rpm, particularly the -q flag.
Since we are wasting time, and my ISP is flaking out, I might as well answer.
It will take RH as much time as you have paid them for. Feel free to pay the list members to do your research for you.
You might think about why so many of the erstwhile frequent posters on the list post so rarely today as well.
Devdas Bhagat
On Tuesday 31 Jan 2006 8:13 pm, Devdas Bhagat wrote:
You might think about why so many of the erstwhile frequent posters on the list post so rarely today as well.
why is that so?
Nadeem M Khan wrote:
I had installed "Everything", but still mysql wasn't installed on RHEL. And it had installed on RH9.
Normally any RH comes with a package manager in GUI mode that lists all the packages installed or not as checked or unchecked boxes respectively. Get your gui up temporarily and use this manager. :)
___________________________________________________________ To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre.
On 1/29/06, Siddhesh Poyarekar wrote:
Is there an issue with RHEL and the mysql server? Do I have to install it separately?
RTFM ;-)
Is there some way we can filter out expressions like RTFM??? (perhaps we can use RTCM to retain decorum of the list...)
On Tuesday 31 Jan 2006 11:28 am, Dinesh Kumar wrote:
no need to filter, if anyone uses expressions like RTFM or google, without contributing anything further in the mail - then they should be roasted. After a few flames, these expressions will automagically disappear
On Sunday 29 Jan 2006 1:06 pm, Nadeem M. Khan wrote:
Is there an issue with RHEL and the mysql server? Do I have to install it separately?
you paid them - ask them
The default installation hasnt installed MySQL-server packages.
Is there an issue with RHEL and the mysql server? Do I have to install it separately?
Yes thats right. go to to download RPMs for the relevant distribution and install them.
Thanks & Regards, Mitul Limbani, Founder & CEO, Enterux Solutions, The Enterprise Linux Company (TM),