Hello luggers, good-morning.
Greetings of the season and a prosperous new year to you all.
What we need is another event...and another event...and another event........ another event...and another event...and another event........ another event...and another event...and another event........ another event...and another event...and another event........ another event...and another event...and another event........
Which means as i have outlined in my previous mail we have to all work together as a community towards planning out this Year well in advance.
Lets prevent crying out hoarse that nothing gets organised at the ilug-bom but make sure that this year we have ourselves working towards a definite plan in mind towards furthering the cause of the FSF/OS movement.
I am also looking at sustained participation from Industry/Academia this year in all our events.
Lets work to have the same delivered on.
Bye for now and have a great day.
On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 12:08, Prakash Advani wrote:
Wish you all a very happy new year. Lets work towards another event, anyone willing to take it up?
Regards Prakash
Trevor Warren wrote:
Hello luggers, good-afternoon.
Greetings of the season, tidings of joy and a happy new year to you all.
We indeed are looking forward to a whole lot of adventurous-fun and gnu-linux filled trips. That apart we also have to get more proactive in our approach towards getting FSF/OS accepted in society.
Your wishes and support in having the same accomplished is highly appreciated.
Bye for now and have a great day.
On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 12:34, Guntupalli Karunakar wrote:
Hi, Wish you all a very Happy and prosperous New Year, lets make 2003 year which takes Linux to new heights & more Linux lunacy trips :) Pl also see attached new year message in Hindi.
Regards, Karunakar
-- Hating people is like burning down your house to get rid of a rat - Anon
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- Indic-Computing project, indic-computing.sf.net *