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LinuxWorld has an article with statements from the Minister of Information Technology and Communications of India stating that India is not going to support Open Source alternatives Government-wide.
Look like the government dosen't want to take sides. But whether they are keeping the options open or closing doors is the question.
===== "I worry about my child and the Internet all the time, even though she's too young to have logged on yet. Here's what I worry about. I worry that 10 or 15 years from now, she will come to me and say 'Daddy, where were you when they took freedom of the press away from the Internet?'" --Mike Godwin, Electronic Frontier Foundation
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I'm sure government officials would like to keep the doors open under their table! In commercial software they have two revenue streams, one is a "commission" on the total volume of purchase of the software, and the other is "commission" on (any) services opted for. In the case of open source, they would miss out on the first (and the most lucrative) revenue stream. How could they go to the U.S., or Switzerland with their family for holidays? :P
Anyway, I just hope this isn't the real reason for "non-alignment".
Clinton Goveas
--- "Life. Liberty. Pursuit of Happiness."