I find both YUM and Pirut quite slow as compared to APT and Synaptic. I don't think this has anything to do with my Internet connection, since I have used APT (and Synaptic) on the very same machine and connection as YUM and Pirut. Is this really an issue with YUM?
Regards, Debarshi
On 7/30/06, Debarshi 'Rishi' Ray debarshi.ray@gmail.com wrote:
With Yum IMO. Pirut uses Yum.
On 8/1/06, Dinesh Joshi dinesh.a.joshi@gmail.com wrote:
Thats right. Rohan, yes, yum is pretty slow compared to apt. Why dont you install apt for fedora?
Might. Although I'm quite a RedHat/FC loyalist :-)