On 10/30/07, Kamaleshwar Morjal wrote,
Thanks for using ayttm!
Get the latest version (0.5.0-10) from Debian, http://packages.debian.org/sid/ayttm or from, http://ayttm.sourceforge.net/files.shtml
You will feel better since it is GTK2 port. Thanks to great work of Siddhesh!
On 10/30/07, Kartik Mistry kartik.mistry@gmail.com wrote:
Thank you for your reply. I'll try that. Can i use Synaptic to download a version (or any package) thats not listed in it even after updating the list? If yes, how?
Thanks and regards.
On 11/1/07, Kamaleshwar Morjal [कमलेश्वर मोरजाल] kamaleshwar.morjal@gmail.com wrote:
You can simply download the package file and then from console type 'sudo dpkg -i <package file name>'. If there are any unresolved dependencies, the package configuration will fail. At that point you simply need to do 'sudo apt-get -f install'.