i have linux system with 5.4 .i want how to install bit torrent on my system and how to get torrent download
Please specify the distro you are using clearly. Is it CentOS 5.4 or something else?
i have linux system with 5.4
Besides, there are many bit torrent clients for GNU/Linux, some of which are,
Transmission, FrostWire, Qbittorrent, Vuze(Formerly Azureus) ktorrent, qtorrent
i want how to install bit torrent on my system and how to get torrent
If you are using a Redhat based distro, you can install them using, *yum install <package-name> * If you are using a Debian based distro, like ubuntu, *sudo apt-get install <package-name>*, or *aptitude install <package-name>*
Mohit Sethi
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 5:12 PM, srihari kasi srihari.kasi27@gmail.comwrote: