Dear Friends:
PUKAR (Partners for Urban Knowledge Action & Research) invites you to the DOC-SHOP Review -- a series of student presentations followed by a two-hour panel discussion on archiving and documentation with ASHISH RAJADHYAKSHA, C.S. LAKSHMI and MADHUSHREE DATTA.
This Review is the concluding event in the PUKAR Monsoon DOC-SHOP, a five-day workshop for undergraduate students held from 19-23 May 2003 at PUKAR. For more information about the DOC-SHOP, see
The panel discussion will feature the following speakers:
ASHISH RAJADHYAKSHA is Senior Fellow of the Centre for the Study of Culture & Society (CSCS), Bangalore (, and was the editor of the Encyclopaedia of Indian Cinema (1999). He is an active member of the editorial collective of the Journal of Arts and Ideas, and is a regular contributor to Framework and to Sight & Sound. He has written the book Ritwik Ghatak: A Return to the Epic (1983), was Editor, The Sad and Glad of Kishore Kumar (Research Centre for Cinema Studies, 1988); was Editor, with Amrit Gangar, of Ghatak : Arguments/Stories (Screen Unit/Research Centre for Cinema Studies, 1987). He is currently coordinating the CSCS Media Archive ( He was co-curator, with Geeta Kapur, of the exhibition Bombay/Mumbai 1992-2001, part of the exhibition Century City: Art and Culture in the Modern Metropolis, at the Tate Modern, London, 2001.
C.S. LAKSHMI is the Founding Trustee and Director of SPARROW (Sound and Picture Archives for Research on Women), Mumbai ( She writes fiction in Tamil under the pseudonym Ambai, and her translated stories have been published in a collection called A Purple Sea (Manas, 1997). She has been a researcher in women's studies for thirty years, and has authored The Singer and the Song: Conversations with Women Musicians (Kali for Women, 2000), the first in a three-volume oral history series called Seven Seas and Seven Mountains, with detailed interviews with fifty notable women in the arts in India. She is also the author of The Face Behind the Mask: Women in Tamil Literature (Stosius/Advent Books, 1984).
MADHUSHREE DATTA has been making non-fiction and documentary films since 1993. Her first film was "I Live in Behrampada" (1993), on the Bombay riots in 1992-1993. She has since made eight films on diverse themes such as performance and female impersonation in "Sundari: An Actor Prepares", on visual cultures in "Made in India", on young girls growing up in "Memories of Fear", on the 12th century bhakti poet Mahadevi Akka in "Scribbles on Akka", and on sexuality and girl trafficking in "Ailo Bailo Sailo". She has written extensively on the politics of facts, and is presently working on a multi-part film on the mega-metropolis of Mumbai. She is a Founder Member and is the Executive Director of Majlis, Mumbai, a centre for multicultural initiatives.
Date: TUESDAY 27 MAY 2003
Time: 5.00 P.M. to 7.00 P.M. Presentations from the PUKAR Monsoon DOC-SHOP 7.00 P.M. to 9.00 P.M. Panel Discussion on Archiving and Documentation
At: PUKAR c/o Aragon Services 4th Floor, Kitab Mahal Dr Dadabhai Naoroji Road Mumbai 400001
Kitab Mahal is next to New Excelsior Cinema, and is near VT Station. Entrance to Kitab Mahal is from the New Book Company on Dadabhai Naoroji Road.
PUKAR (Partners for Urban Knowledge Action & Research) P.O. Box 5627, Dadar, Mumbai 400014, INDIA
E-Mail Phone +91 (022) 2207 7779, +91 98200 45529, +91 98204 04010 Web Site
wtf! Its nice that you provided space, but it doesnt mean you can bombard everyones mailboxes what whatever shit you like. This is a linux-users/interest mailing list, speak only when you have something relevant.
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 1:21 am, PUKAR Monsoon wrote:
- -- Amit Upadhyay Senior Undergraduate Student Department of Mechanical Engg. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Mumbai-76, India Phone: (91) 9820325940