---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: kunal gupta dirtydevil2789@gmail.com Date: Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 9:27 AM Subject: [Lugb_ml] Fwd: [LUG@IITD:9376] SchoolOS is announcing 41 iso distribution centers across the whole India. To: Linux User Group lugb_ml@lugb.in, lug-jaipur lugj@googlegroups.com
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Narendra Sisodiya narendra@narendrasisodiya.com Date: Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 12:28 AM Subject: [LUG@IITD:9376] SchoolOS is announcing 41 iso distribution centers across the whole India. To: schoolos@googlegroups.com, IITDLUG iitdlug@googlegroups.com
Today, we are now announcing 41 SchoolOS iso distribution centers across the India. *http://schoolos.org/get_iso.html* This is first of its own kind of network of volunteers across whole India who are ready to provide ISO image of SchoolOS. If you want to become SchoolOS Distributor in your area then you can contact at - feedback@schoolos.org
we are expecting to grow to the 100 schoolos iso distribution centers by next one month.
Thanks for love and support.
On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 9:39 AM, nmudgal techno.x007@gmail.com wrote:
The above link does not exist; I am getting an error. My browser is Google Chrome 6.0.472.36 beta and my /etc/resolv.conf DNS servers are and
-- Arun Khan
On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Arun Khan knura9@gmail.com wrote:
Never mind, the culprit was the "*" after the "html" string in the URL string.
-- Arun Khan
On 26 August 2010 10:57, Arun Khan knura9@gmail.com wrote:
Very Funny ! You were able to paste the version number of your browser and DNS server addresses but didn't notice a 'star' after HTML file !
Anyways nice to see distribution centres . It kind of sounds like BOSS support centres ( which also more or less distribution centres) .
Another strange part is the list at http://schoolos.org/get_iso.html is on a very poor resolution scanned image ! Why can't the data be put up in a machine readable format ? Afraid of spam bots ? Please consider people with screen readers .
Regards, Pavithran
On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 8:08 AM, pavithran s pavi.eu@gmail.com wrote:
The "*" appeared as part of the URL string which I think OP used for emphasis. However, when you click on the link it, it results in a non existent page (in Google Chrome). GC offered to search for the string which gave me the right URL and that is when I noticed the "*" culprit.
-- Arun Khan
On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 9:43 AM, Arun Khan knura9@gmail.com wrote:
when you convert rich text to plain text , then BOLD becomes like *bold* some * is added in the rich text to plain text conversion.
On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 8:08 AM, pavithran s pavi.eu@gmail.com wrote:
I used pdf to image conversion. images are readable.
Why can't the data be put up in a machine readable format ? Afraid of spam bots ?
Please consider people with screen readers .
What method do you suggest other then hiding information into image. Many users appreciated this.