Hi all,
I'm going thru serious crises as I stand at crossroads in terms of career. Can someone please suggest me if its mandatory to have a RHCE certification? I'm NOT a graduate yet and what are my chances of getting a decent job armed with RHCE certification. Is graduation a pre-requisite for jobs as SA? If yes, which are the best institutes in Mumbai that offer RHCE? Or any tutors of RHCE?
TIA. Regards, AA.
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On Tuesday 14 November 2006 11:01, A A wrote:
Do you want the certification or do you want knowledge and then the certification?
In the first case, you can pass the exam if you can locate where they sell the question papers.
In the second case, study yourself. It's the best solution.
BTW, being RHCE doesn't mean you have good knowledge. Its just enough to get you started. If you want mastery, you'll need to study a lot more.
On 11/14/06, A A linuxdebiansuse@yahoo.com wrote:
and what are my chances of getting a decent job armed with RHCE certification. Is graduation a pre-requisite for jobs as SA?
Graduation may not be a prerequisite if you're immensely talented but it wouldn't be a bad idea to go ahead and complete it. It doesn't take much hard work anyways does it ;-)
A A wrote:
I'm going thru serious crises as I stand at crossroads in terms of career.
How do you expect us to know which crossroad you are standing at? We have not yet implemented the radio signpost project that tells us where we are.( That is another story so don't worry yourself ;) ) Tell us more about yourself in terms of education, interests/hobby, and experience so you can get better information. :)
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On 14 Nov 2006, A. A. spake thusly:
If you want a standard job, ya RHCE may help. If you want to do something good all you need is the willingness to learn and a bit of balls.
How good are you at using GNU/Linux ? What 'cool; things have you done? Can you write usefull shell scripts ? Can you configure a network ? Which distributions have you played with? Do you know the differences they have ? Do you like system administration? Do you do perl scripts ?
If you have a yes for all of these then, hey!!! someone from this list will contact you for a job. If no, then make those a yes and then someone will... :)
Degrees and certifications are useful - but only to an extent. They are the safety net. So concentrate on your Graduation first and make yourself better at what you want to do - you will have a good job and a good time doing that job.
p.s. I personally think that RHCE sux. But that is MHO only. :)