I want to know how I can block telnet access to my machine _when_a_specified_condition_is_true_.
I have a lot of people telnetting to my m/c (in office) and then they run some heavy processes. As per the rules and requirements of the project, I'm not supposed to block telnet access completely. But under certain circumstances, I can block telnet access. The "certain circumstances" can be a set of rules. For example, if load average (w|head -1|cut -f3 -d,) is greater than some limit, or if the amount of free memory (free|tail -1|tr -s ' '|cut -f4 -d' ') falls below some limit, or something like that.
I'm clueless, so... please help.
Sometime on Nov 28, Manish Jethani assembled some asciibets to say:
I want to know how I can block telnet access to my machine _when_a_specified_condition_is_true_.
fool around with it a bit. You may also be able to do something with pam, since the telnet service uses pam to determine if login should be spawned or the connection rejected.
On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, Manish Jethani wrote:
I want to know how I can block telnet access to my machine _when_a_specified_condition_is_true_.
Okay, here's what I am doing for now. A script that checks for the condition and creates or deletes /etc/nologin . I've put the script in crontab.